unwanted baby

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Lilly was walking him from the store when someone grabbed her from behind and threw her in the back om a car. She tried to get free but someone grabbed onto her and held her down.

"Let me go." She yelled. She started thrashing around but it was not working he was stronger than her.

"Shh you listen to us and you will be home by supper time." He told me. I stopped moving and I laid still knowing that I was out of options. I heard the car start. The var started moving. I tried to memorize where.i was going but I was not able to because the man holding me injected something into my neck. Everything around me went black.

I woke up some time later. I noticed that I was laying on a bed. I opened my eyes and I saw that I was back in my room.

"It was all just dream." I told myself. I felt pain in stomach making me since. I looked down at my stomach and saw that it was swollen.

"No it was not a dream." I cried out. I could hear people come running down the hall outside my door. I looked up and saw my mom and sister entering the room. They both came over to me and sat down on the bed beside me. They wrapped their arms around me and gave me a hug.

"Lilly how are you feeling?" My mom asked.

"My stomach hurts some but I am okay." I told her. She placed her hand on my stomach and rubbed it like she would when I was little. I watched her do it but I also noticed something else. My stomach was continuing to grow.

"Why is my stomach growing. Mom what is wrong with me?" I asked her as I leaned against her.

"I don't know baby but we will handle this. I will never let those people touch you again." My mom said. I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around my stomach as pain tore through it again making me cry out in pain. My mom rubbed my stomach harder trying to get some of the pain to go away but it was only getting worse.

"How about we get you into a nice warm back. Maybe that will help with the pain some." My sister suggested. My mom nodded and walked into the bathroom connected to my room and started the bath. I could hear the water running but all I could focus on was the increasing pain and pressure in my lower stomach and between my hips. After we heard the water turn off my sister helped me out of the bed and into a standing position. All of a sudden I felt a pop and water gushed down my legs.

"Mom get in here now." My sister yelled. My mom came running is as a pain worse than the rest tore through my stomach. It caused me to fall to my knees screaming. My mom ran over to me and started rubbing my back.

"Emma get her pants off of her please." My mom said. I could start to feel a burning sensation at my entrance. I cried out as the pain got increasingly worse. My sister slowly worked my pants off and I saw that blood was running down my leg.

"What is happening to me?" I asked me mom.

"Baby I think you are in labor and having a baby." My mom said. I shook my head as the pain and the burning started to get worse.

"No this can't be happening. I am only twelve." I told her. My sister got in front of me while I started to push because I felt the need to. The burning and the pressure were getting worse.

"MAKE IT STOP PLEASE." I yelled as the pain tore through me again. I pushed down again and felt it shift down lower. My mom pulled my panties off of me and gasped.

"Baby I can see the head. Keep pushing." My mom told me. My sister pulled my farwords so that I was leaning against her and my hips were off my feet. I felt my mom pull my feet wider apart. I pushed down as hard as I could and felt it moving down farther. The pain was becoming worse and worse everytime.

"You are doing so good Lils." My sister told me. She was holding both of my hands. I pushed down as hard as I could again and squeezed my sisters hands.

"Come on you are doing so good. The head is halfway out now." My mom said. She started rubbing my aching back for me.

"I-it h-hurts t-too much." O cried out as I pushed again.

"GET OUT OF ME. IT HURTS TOO MUCH. MAKE IT STOP." I yelled as I pushed. I felt a pop and more fluids come out. The pressure was released and so was the burning.

"The head is out baby. Give me your hand." My mom said. She grabbed my hand and led it down to where the baby's head was. I could feel a whole head of hair and I smiled. The pain returned and I pushed down again.

"Come on you can do this. The hardest part is done. A few more strong pushes and it will all be over." My mom told me. She kept my hand against the baby's head as I pushed down as hard as I could. I screamed as the shoulders emerged. I could feel the baby slid down more.

"Come om you are almost done. How about you put your other hand down here so that you can catch the baby as it comes out." My mom told me. I let go of my sister's hand and placed both hands on the baby. I waited until the wave of pain hit me and I pushed down. Suddenly relief washed over my body as I felt the baby slid out. I lifted it and held it up to my chest. I could hear the baby crying and I smiled looking down at it. I sat down on the ground as I cradled the baby.

"You did amazing Lilly." My mom said. My sister came over and helped me get off my knees and lean back against the bed because I was too exhausted to climb into the bed.

"So do I have a nice or a nephew?" She asked me. I moved the baby's leg and I chested. It was a little girl. Emma looked over and smiled at her. Before I knew it my stomach was cramping again causing me to cry out in pain. I almost dropped the baby in my arms.

"T-take it." I told my mom as I felt the burning at my hole entrance. I felt the need to push and I started pushing again. I felt the head start to emerge but once I stopped pushing the head slipped back in.

"It hurts make it stop please." I told my mom as she got between my legs. She started rubbing the inside of my thighs. I pushed as hard as I could until long after the contraction was over. I felt a pop and I knew the head was out.

"Come on you are almost done. Then you will have two beautiful babies in your arms." My sister told me. She grabbed my hand and held it while I was trying to push. I screamed as the shoulders slid out but I refused to stop pushing until I felt the baby slide out. I sat there panting for a while while my mom picked up the baby and placed it on my chest. She left the room to get something to cut the cords.

"Now I have a niece and a nephew to spoil." My sister told me. I smiled at her and moved to lean against her. My mom came back with towels, scissors, and shoe laces. After the cords were tied and cut she cleaned the three of us off and wrapped the babies in towels since we don't have anything for the babies since they came all of a sudden.

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