Go Back a Space

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   I... I feel. I feel everything. All human emotions... I feel them. I have let myself succumb to the backfire of my own game. And now...

   I am seen.

   And I'm back in Vegas.

   "Hey move out of the way, asshole!" an angered voice yells, followed by a long honk of a car horn. I look around myself and I see a line of cars hating impatiently behind me.

   The humans... they can see me. I am no longer invisible to these humans. I am seen, just as if I'm one of them.

   I flick my wrist to go back to the mountain, but oddly, I remain in the busy street. The horns honk even louder now, and a man jumps from his car and starts running up to me. I ball my fists and prepare myself to fight.

   "Dude, are you drunk? Do you need help?" the man asks softly.

   "No," I spit out quickly. "Why do you ask?"

   "Because you're acting like a dumbass right now, standing in the streets doing all these stupid hand gestures. And no offense, but why the fuck do you look like that?!"

   "How dare you?!"

   "How dare I what? All I'm saying is- oof!" I aim for his heart, ready to stop it, but my hand doesn't even go inside. My hand just lands on his chest, sending him back a couple feet. He stands up straigh, glaring at me.

   "You asshole!" the man exclaims as he lunges at me.

   The both of us fall to the ground and roll around in the streets. People are rushing out of their cars to come and stop us. The man pins me to the ground and lands two punches to my face. I quickly evade the third punch and headbutt him. He groans and falls to the side for a moment, giving me enough time to pin him down on his stomach.

   I straddle his lower back and hold my hands to his neck, keeping him face firsr onto the concrete. Everyone watching is too scared to approach the scene, so I take advantage of this moment and I attack.

   Gripping onto his neck, I lift his head up and slam his face into the concrete. He cries out in pain, but I ignore him and lift up his head again, immediately shoving his face back into the concrete. Blood splatters everywhere as I slam his face into the concrete again and again and again. I can hear the beautiful crunches of his breaking nose as I slam him face into the concrete one last time. I hear no more sounds from him, and his body is motionless as I let go of his neck.

   I have just killed him.

   The people around me are screaming in horror as they all rush over to the man on the ground as I get up and hurry away.

   "Hey! STOP THAT PERSON!" someone screeches, pointing in my direction. And I hear fast footsteps approaching me right away.

   I break into a sprint and I make a sharp turn into a dark and full alleyway. I quickly flip the top of one of the dumpsters opeand hop in, yanking the top of it closed right after. Footsteps get louder as I hear them run up and down the alleyway. I hold my breath and hold the dumpster doors closed with all of my strength.

   "You sure he came down here?" a low voice utters.

   "I'm positive!" another voice says.

   "Then why the fuck don't I see him?!"

   "Maybe he hopped that fence... let's go check the other side."

   "Nah, it's useless. The fucker is probably gone by now. Let's go back to the scene and help that man."

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