Camp Chaos is where it begins...

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Chapter 2

Camp Chaos is where it begins...

We get off the bus and the first thing we're met with is James giving us a death stare, "Let's set up our tents... somewhere else" I skurry everyone to our camp group. "HELLO, CAMPERS" a voice booms over the mic "YOU WILL BE GIVEN A CARD WHOEVER HAS THE SAME CARD AS YOU WILL BE YOUR BUDDY FOR TENTS ACTIVITIES AND MORE." The voice continued to boom " COME UP THE FRONT TO GET YOUR CARD". I ran up to the front and grabbed a card, "What did you get?" Tubbo asked "I got a red one," "SO DID TOMMY! "Tubbo cheers " at least I got someone I know, I seemed to have gotten the shortest of the group" Tommy chuckled "I'm not that short-" I said angrily as he picked me up, "Not short are you~?" Tommy teases me. All i could see was his crystal blue eyes, I couldn't look away it's like I was hypnotized, "You okay? Did my devilishly good looks hypnotize you~?" "I-I..." I broke out in laughter to hide the fact that I might have been... Crushing? No... it can't be... Can.. it? "Now are you expecting me to carry you to the tent or what" Tommy looked into my eyes and smirked "Yes," I said with a smug look on my face? "And don't forget my bags!" I say jokingly.

As he carried me there all I could do was look into his eyes, the whole way I just felt like I had a tsunami in my stomach. I could barely look away... After this, I went to Tubbo's tent to tell him. "Tubo there's something I need help with..." he locks eyes with me and proceeds to say "Your crush on Tommy?" "WHAT- HOW?!" I shrieked in surprise "OMG! IT'S TRUE!! WILBUR! YOU OWE ME FIFTY DOLLARS!" Turbo screams at the top of his lungs "How-....WHEN-...?" "Just the way you look at him. No way you think of him as a friend!" Tubbo said leaning back on his sleeping bag "Don't tell him yet, lead it out, you know?" "I-"

"Y/N! Where are you...?" I hear from outside " I better go." I jumped out of the tent and grab Tommy from behind and hugged him "Hi!!"

Tommy's Pov:

"Y/N?!" I ran searching for her... I was legit worried! "WHERE ARE YOU?!" and then suddenly "HII!!!" "Y-y/n-I-I" Y/n came up and hugged me from behind, right then and there I went bright red, I couldn't help it! What was with this sudden surge in affection towards me? I couldn't understand... She Can't like me... Can she? 

School camp (Tommyinnit x Y/N) high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now