Part 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this story except for Taylor and Jessi Yaeger

TW Catcalling and maybe more?-

I woke up to my alarm and walked to my bathroom. "God I hate this," I said and got ready. I got myself some good and walked out. I put my earphones in and listened to Deceptacon.

I stopped at the park because I still had about half an hour before I had to be in school. I was on my phone for about fifteen minutes and walked towards the school.

I was in an alley. It was the fastest way to the school. I saw some weird guys. Oh god... please be safe I thought and set my music louder. I heard muffled talking I think they catcalled me. Someone grabbed my shoulder and pushed me against the wall.

He pulled my earphones out and slapped me. "Leave me alone," I said and he laughed. I stared in the eyes and his grip wasn't hurting as much. The others left for some reason. "You messed with the wrong girl," I said and punched his arm so I'd be free. I kicked him and ran away.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" I said and arrived at school. I ran into the classroom and saw everyone working on something. "Fuck..." I said and walked to my seat.

"Where were you?!" Beth whispered to me. "I was on my way here and some guys... you know," I answered and she stared at me. "What?" I asked and she looked away.

"You're late. Detention," our teacher said. I nodded and put my head in my hands. I didn't have to take the quiz.

Time skip to PE

"All Right, keep those arms pumping. Let's go!" We had to run a bit. Bethany walked in. "Bethany, you're late."

"Sorry," Bethany said and ran with us. She ran to me but didn't say anything. She got her phone out and checked something. I ignored everyone when we had to throw and catch. I saw Martha talking with the coach.

Damn- she roasted her

I laughed and heard "That's detention," I frowned and walked to her. I guess you could call us friends? Well, that doesn't matter. "You're right. Gym class is pointless. I mean, we don't need to know how to play basketball or something. But don't worry. I'm in detention too," I said as we got a football.

"Why are you in detention?" she asked. "I was late because I got catcalled and stuff. Already a rough day," I said and we started tossing the ball to each other.

Spencer got called out of the gym.

The need is in trouble

Time skip to detention

We were in some basement full of things. We had to get the magazines ready for something. Anthony was walking around and said "Hey, what the hell they need with a bowling ball?"

"Why are you asking us?" I said as I walked around. Beth was crying over not having any reception. "Are you gonna help? Or are you too pretty?" Martha asked sounding annoyed.

"I'm too pretty," Beth said and I rolled my eyes. Martha sighed and turned back around. Spencer walked to her and sounded like a creep.

"Taylor, come here," Anthony said. He saw a weird console. He took it out and said "Yo. What's this?"

Spencer looked at him and said "I don't know," and walked to us. "What is it like, some type of old-school Nintendo or something?"

"I don't think so. I mean I've never seen it," I said. "Me too. I don't recognize it," Spencer said and took it. We saw a tv. "Why don't we try to play it? Try out if it works," I said and walked to it.

We set everything up(?) and the screen said 'loading'

"A game for those who seek to find... a way to leave their world behind," Spencer read. The screen said 'welcome to Jumanji'. "Jumanji," I said.

"Staples, people. Staples," Martha said. "Jumanji? What does that mean?" Anthony asked. "I have no idea. Never heard of it" at this point. I didn't say anything.

"Which one do I pick?" Fridge said when the screen changed. "I don't know. I don't think it matters that much. 'Jefferson 'Seaplane' McDonough... pilot and rascal.'

"It's not working." "Okay, try another one. 'Franklin 'Moose' Finbar." "He sounds like a badass"

"And he's a zoology expert, which is awesome."

Time skip to when you choose (at last)

"Uh the only one left is Jessi Yaeger. A guns woman. Well, I guess she sounds cool," I said and picked her.

The screen changed again.

Some weird music started playing but it didn't sound like it was from the game. "What's going on?" Beth asked after animal sounds came. "I think it's shorting out," Spencer said and walked to the console. "Unplug it, dipshit!" I yelled at him.

He plugged it out and a weird light came. The console did something again and his hands started disappearing.

Everyone started yelling and I couldn't hear anything. Spencer got sucked into the game. "Oh, my god," Fridge yelled. Martha and Bethany started disappearing too. Fridge was gone now and I stood there seeing half of my body gone.

"Oh what the fu-" I said and got sucked away.

Short chapter lol

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