Wckd is good

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(Lilys perspective)

As i pass him the necklace he studys it for a while ,then his face changes . He remembers something . He may know why he is in this necklace! Finally some answers . I start to realise he's crying. What . Why? As i watch him start to come back to reality i see he is trying to hide he is upset but i ignore his manlyhood behaviour and hug him.

His face changes ,startled , confused, sad , relived , happy and then he hugs me back and strokes my hair . I look up at him due to the size difference "why are you sad gally?" He realises something" you don't remember do you.." I look at him strangely .remember what?

He sighs " i-i im your brother lil.." . Now im shocked . I step back from him and i try and remember. I get some memories me and gally cuddling in bed to get warmth . Us watching cartoons . It all cones back to me " gall? " His face lights up when he hears me say it and he instantly bear hugs me " l-lil im so sorry.."

This is when i hear newts voice shout" come on lily where are you now !" . I think gally may be ashamed so i decide to tell him to go quickly and run to newt."boo!" . I say when i jump up behind him . He turns around " hey lily "he smiles . " come on its dinner and i need to tell you about your jobs tomorrow " I follow him wanting to feel like the glade is more of a home then a place to stay

As we get food from frypan and sit down i meet a new boy called mihno . " oh we have a cutie alert" he winks at me . I see gallys face change and smile at how protective he is . I look at mihno and say" see how cute i am when you cant see straight" i wink back sarcastically. This makes newt,gally,frypan,chuck,winston and mihno laugh . I carry on eating my dinner " what job do you do mihno?" He looks wt newt and newt nods for some reason then says" im a runner" I instantly look up at him " a runner? Ive not seen them and ive seen all yhe jobs.. " He grins" im special i guess, we run the maze to find a way out." I knew then what i wanted to be . A runner

After dinner i dont stop asking questions to mihno about tips and that and he answers them with a hint of flirting . Then gally comes up and this apparently shocks newt and the others cause he is normally a mean bully i guess thats what newt said . " hey lil . " he says glaring at mihno . Mihnos reaction is confused and mouths to me" are you , dating?" I shake my head and giggle " hey galll " go on my tiptoes and hug him.

We talk for longer and we tell them how we are siblings which shocks them all and i start to feel sick . Gally says" lily are you okay? " they all are looking at me panicking. I realise im really dizzy and faint . Newt instantly says" medbay now!" They usher me to the medbay but before they do get me inside i get a vision and repeat" wcked is good .. WCKD IS GOOD" then faint

I wake up in another place ive never seen before . Ow my head aches . Where am i . Everythings blurred . I realise its a dream again i think its called . A middle aged women comes up to me . " hi sweetie im ava paige .. im here to help you okay , your very valuable to us "

Then i wake up suddenly and look around . I see gally and newt there . Gally is asleep but newt instantly comes to me " hey its okay , calm down " . I start to calm down now" where am i?" He strokes my face gently " the medbay you passed out saying wckd is good?" I start shaking and screams happen so i cover my ears. He realises not to say it again and ignores that topic

" how are you feeling anyway" he says reassuringly and i reply" better " . We talk for a while until gally wakes up and newt keeps his distance due to gally . They both walk me to the hammocks . Gally says " lil the builders are going to build you a part to sleep on your own and shower away from the boys okay " he smiles at me while hugging me . " mhm overprotective gall , nightt " i say climbing onto the hammock .

Today was good day . I now know gallys my brother . I met mihno and learnt a new job . I know i want to be a runner . I got closer to some gladers . And im getting a new place to have all to myself. I watch the stars in the sky I remember winston say . They are so pretty and shine so bright . Until they change to a message saying wckd is good . I rub my eyes and take a second glance and its back to normal . Hmm strange it must be me . I roll over and fall asleep to the sound of the boys .

The sleep wasn't peaceful it was images of my friends being put in here . Like gally . Watching them drown . Hurt . Scream . People engrvaing in my head wckd is good . I see the woman again. I hear coughing . All images come to my head none longer than 10 seconds but so horrifying and traumatic then the last i am glad they arent . Why did i watch each person be put in here . Until my dreams go blank and i hear nothing and see bothing . A now peacful sleep as i drift off peacefully in my hammock with only the sound of the boys breathing or some snoring . Peace and quiet

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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