"I think this is the first time I've ever been in your bedroom."

Luna flinched at the sound of Jordan's voice echoing through her bedroom. She turned her head away from her laptop, pushing away all her assignments related to Shakespeare. And confusion was splashed all over her face at the sight of the Baker boy in her room.

"What the hell are you doing in my bedroom?" she questioned. "You scared me."

"Your stepdad told me I could come up here," Jordan shrugged, glancing around her room in amusement. "Your room's cool. Very...you."

"Thank you," she smiled. "Now, are you here to distract me from this Shakespeare assignment or just compliment my room?"

Jordan straightened out his posture, clearing his throat slightly. "We are going somewhere. I was going to call you but, I didn't think you'd answer. So I came here instead. Let's go."

"I probably wouldn't have answered," she confessed. "But, where are we going?"

"South Crenshaw," Jordan answered. "We've got things to do. And I won't take no for an answer."

"Assertive," Luna smirked, pushing herself off of the desk chair. "I like that in a man."

Jordan blushed at her words, practically chasing after her as she ran ahead of him. They hopped into his convertible and despite Luna's confusion about Jordan's burst of confidence towards her. For some reason, she didn't mind spending time with him.

Once they arrived at the small house in Crenshaw, they got out of the car, waiting for someone to answer the door and a black woman, who Luna had assumed to be Spencer's mom, had answered the door, with a small smile on her face inviting the two in once she recognized Jordan as the boy who her son lives with and Luna as the girl who cheers on Beverly on Friday nights.

"A cheerleader, huh?" Dillon questioned beside Luna. She didn't know how she and Jordan ended up chopping vegetables in the kitchen but Ms. James was a very hard person to say no to and Jordan practically forced her into helping him. "Man, Spencer keeps getting cooler and cooler."

"Well, Spencer never mentioned he had such an adorable little brother," Luna giggled.

"Adorable?" Dillon laughed, popping his imaginary collar. "Stop it, you're flattering me."

Jordan let out a small laugh at their interaction, shaking his head at the young James boy. Conversation and laughter erupted throughout the kitchen as time passed by, they were all too distracted to even notice Spencer until the girl beside him said something.

"Who is this El Debarge-looking dude?" she scoffed. "And her? She fine, though, she can stay."

"Jordan, Luna?" Spencer's eyes drifted between the two of them. "What are y'all doin' here?"

Luna took a step forward, pushing her hand out to the shorter girl. "I'm Luna, nice to meet you."

"She's a cheerleader," Dillon whispered, loudly.

"Jordan and Luna offered to help for the cookout," Ms. James said, playfully smacking her son on the shoulder at his comment.

"Well, I helped," Luna grinned proudly as she looked over at Jordan's chopping board of poorly cut greens. "Jordan...tried."

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