"Don't ask then" the words fell out of my mouth and before I knew it his lips were on mine, and I was glad of it.

"I don't want to lead you on.." I spoke between kisses, not having the willpower to stop. "You're not" he said, but I couldn't squash the feeling that this was a bad idea.

"I won't get carried away I know you love.. him" he pulled himself away from me and peeled my covers back. He resumed his position, with only the material of our clothes between us now.

"You want this just as much as I do, so just enjoy it" he smiled against my lips, making me smile too. "Think of it as an experiment" he started to kiss my neck, I giggled at the sweet sensation.

"What are the variables?" I breathed out, trying with all my might not to moan Draco's name. "Whether I love you, or just lust you" I snorted, unable to stifle my laugh.

"Freddie.." I groaned. "Izzy it's all in the name of science.. we won't even enjoy it. It has to be done!" He pulled his t shirt over his head, I left kisses along his freckled chest.

"I for one will hate every second" I said in jest. "I doubt that" he tugged at my pyjama top, signalling that he wanted to take it off.

He unhooked my bra without me realising, tossing it to the floor. He caressed my cheek with his thumb, taking each moment as it comes. I gasped as his warm tongue slid across my chest, I couldn't believe that this was truly happening.

His eyes flickered to meet mine every few seconds, ensuring I was at constant comfort. His thumb grazed my nipple, I groaned as my desires built up between my legs. It felt better to be here now with Fred, than earlier with Theo.

I felt safe, and wanted. Like I wouldn't just be tossed to the side as soon as I'd fulfilled my purpose. I knew I wouldn't regret this. Not for the same reason I'd regret sleeping with Theo anyway..

I ground my hips forward into his body, so he knew to carry on. His tongue swirled around one nipple whilst his hand teased the other, I pushed my head back into my pillow in ecstasy.

He tugged at my pyjama bottoms, I was hesitant as I knew I had nothing underneath.. but let him remove them anyway. He stared down at my body as he clutched my foot, suspending my leg in the air.

He left sweet kisses from my ankle, all the way to my inner thigh. As he edged closer to my core the kisses were drawn out, pressing his tongue against my skin each time.

I gasped as he kissed my hip, barely being able to stand the pressure that was building between my legs. "Do you want me to carry on Isabelle?" He questioned kindly, I nodded.

Suddenly the sound of muffled voices could be heard from the corridor just outside my dorm. "Shit!" I whispered, grabbing my clothes off of the floor and pulling my covers over my bare body.

"Weasley what a surprise" Blaise said angrily, as he walked into the room. "He was keeping me company, that's a whole lot more than you've fucking done for me Blaise" I spat.

"Iz, do you think I didn't want to tell you? Malfoy cried to me, begged me not to tell you, it's destroyed him too.. but I couldn't keep it from you, I couldn't watch you be happy with him knowing what he'd done."

Blaise sighed, as he noticed the tears welling in my eyes again, reliving the whole thing again. "I was the one who told Pans, and we were going to tell you. It just wasn't the right time" I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest atop the duvet.

"I'm just going to leave.." Fred announced, swiftly exiting the room without a proper good bye, t shirt clutched tightly in his fist. I held my breath and rubbed my eyes ferociously, I wanted that release, and I'd been disturbed again.

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