
17 2 0

Connor activates.

it is in the middle of the festival.

he had closed his eyes only for a moment to report to the DPD and when he opened them he found himself in the heat of the party.

Connor decides to move away for a moment so as not to annoy people too much, he positions himself on the edge of the sidewalk, a strategic point to observe the festival undisturbed and not give too much attention.

Connor observes the crowd, everyone seems to be having fun, they talks, drinks, sings and dances to the sound of the sweet instruments of the band playing on a stage. the band is mostly made up of androids like the audience but it was nice to notice that there were also some friendly humans in the audience.

Connor now turns his attention to the other security guards, some androids and some humans including Detective Chris. for some reason, which he had not been authorized to know, they had increased security guards. it was not a problem for him so he followed orders without problems.

today was the last day of the festival and there weren't any issues to report, apparently Hank had overestimated humans.

just as Connor enjoyed these thoughts, he heard the annoying sound of glass being broken. caused by bottles of various spirits.

Connor walks over to the source of the noise, revealing that they were just kids.

Connor analyzed the boys, according to the police database none of them were over 18 years old and they had a history of vandalism, racism and disturbance of the public order, in particular one of them, Jeff Flowed 17 years old, had several records of verbal and physical assault against. the androids.

all had traces of alcohol on their clothes and lips, not to mention that Jeff also had traces of red ice.

Detective Chris starts walking towards the boys but Connor waves his hand to stop and let him do it. Chris a little hesitant stops and nods his head while Connor walks towards the delinquents.

boy1: "ohohohohoh, look at the detective can come"

Jeff: "hey fucking android get the fuck out, we're busy"

Jeff throws another bottle at the wall and smashes it to pieces as the rest of the group cheered him.

Connor first try to approach in a pragmatic way.

Connor: "you are creating disorder or you stop it or I have to ask you to leave"

boy2: "uuuuh, what a fear !!! if you want to send me away you have to get me first, can.

the boy starts running around Connor to make fun of him.

Connor now tries to mention alcohol and drugs.

Connor: "I notice you have alcohol with you, I can see your documents"

boy3: "ah, yes yes friend, here's my document, hahhahahaha"

the boy puts his hand in his pocket to pull it out with the raised middle finger.

boy1: "hey I see you a little tense, drink this."

the boy jerks a cup of beer from his bottle. Connor dodges him almost in time but beer stains settle on his uniform and his shoes.

boy1: "oh sorry, I forgot you can't eat or drink, you fucking android."

all the boys laugh together.

Connor has had enough and takes an aggressive approach

Connor: "If you continue to disrespect me in this way, I will be forced to arrest you for disrespect of the public official. You will go to the cell and you will be there for a long time. DID YOU HEAR ME?!?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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