Seungmin stopped reading, setting the phone down against the table and turning towards Jeongin.

"Jeongin this sounds like a scam."

"Why? I have always felt magical on the inside you know?" Jeongin was playfully nudging his elbow into Seungmin's side in hopes to get a reaction from the older.

"Jeongin, I know you have better options, please tell me that you applied to other colleges."

"Nope, I just applied for scholarships and got rejected on everything."

Seungmin sat there with his apple in his hand, mouth agape at what Jeongin just said, hoping he was joking around like he always did.

"Are you serious?"

Jeongin stared at Seungmin with the most blatant look, "Yes."

"So you are actually going to accept this?"

"Yeah, why not? It seems legit, and when I looked it up it had really good reviews."

Seungmin grabbed Jeongin's phone and started to fumble around the keyboard trying to search up the school. Jeongin intervened and typed in the school address allowing them to see the homepage of the university.

Seungmin was surprised not to see just a good rating but saw a perfect 5.0 review score with over 5k votes on it. Seungmin pondered for a bit, but his opinion was still unwavered and concerned for the future of his friend.

"I still don't think it is a good idea. Even if it is a real magic school they would have a reason to email you. Like a motive behind it you know?"
Jeongin took in Seungmin's words through one ear and out the other.

"Seungmin, I really think this school is fine, you don't have to constantly think about my decisions."

Seungmin took his words with a grain of salt, but gave him a slight nod in acknowledgment and didn't push farther so he wouldn't accidentally hurt his one friend.

The two sat at the table in silence, Jeongin was reading articles about the university on his phone, while Seungmin was finishing up whatever was edible of his lunch.

The lunch bell rang and the two split paths to head to their respective classes on opposite sides of the school.

Seungmin's classes were day and night for him. His academic knowledge was greater than anyone else in his high school, but he was at the bottom of the totem pole when it came to social status. The jocks would pin him against lockers and insult him on wearing dirty or ripped clothing. His wardrobe consisted of barely wearable clearance wear that ended up lasting less than a week from the wrath of the bullies. Seungmin's goal was to survive the last month of his high school senior year and enter the community college nearby through scholarships due to his good grades.

The school day ended, leaving Seungmin to say goodbye to Jeongin before the two split up again to head home. The two have been friends since middle school and stuck together like glue. Jeongin is a very sociable person trying to become friends with everyone that would take the time to listen to him. Seungmin envied how outgoing he was, but felt comfortable not being put in the spotlight like Jeongin. The two of them would be going to university soon meaning they would be separated from each other. Seungmin would lose his only friend he made in highschool leaving him lonely.

Seungmin passed by the mailbox and inserted the mailbox key to collect the dues his mothers had to pay. He found two of the letters addressed to him, so he pocketed them into his book bag to save for later.

Prisms | Stray Kids AU | Seungchanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें