The New Transfer Student.

Start from the beginning

Dark Spear: I don't know. But her soul seems to be...... somewhat evil.

Frankenstein: Well we can find out that later.

(Asia's POV)

Asia: Ano we have reached school.

Frankenstein was busy with his dark spear that he did not payed attention to his surrounding. At the school gate he did see two beautiful girls standing as if they were waiting for someone.

Asia: Ohayo Shitori senpai, Tsubaki senpai.

Sona: Ohayo Asia.

Sona noticed the boy standing besides her. He was very handsome and had a charismatic aura around him. She looked towards him and he in return gave her a warm smile. Her heart skipped a beat. Her cheeks were slowly getting red.

Sona in her mind:  No.   I am the next heiress of the Sitri clan. I cannot let emotions get better of myself. I need to calm down. Besides he is only just a human.

Tsubaki noticed  this little change on her master's face but she kept quiet. She knew her master was not the type to get affected by such trivial things.

Sona calmed herself and put on a stern expression.

Sona: Asia may I know who is this gentleman besides you.

Asia: Hai, he is Frankenstein and is a new student here.

Sona: Ohh I see.

Sona was surprised that the new student came with Asia. Moreover they both were foreigners and had same hair color. She thought may be Frankenstein was related to her. She didn't know how to approach him. Does he know Japanese? She turned towards Frankenstein, extended her hand and spoke in english.

Sona: My name is Shouna Shitori. I am the president of student council and she Tsubaki the vice president of the council.

Frankenstein replied in perfect Japanese.

Frankenstein: Ohh my.. it is such an honor to be welcomed by two extremely beautiful ladies. My name is Frankenstein and I am a new student in this academy.

Frankenstein took the handed which was extended towards him and gave a firm and warm handshake.

Sona's mind just went blank for a moment. She was blushing and her cheeks were flushed. Seeing her that her master is not gonna speak, Tsubaki spoke.

Tsubaki: Do you know this person Asia?

Hearing this Frankenstein responded immediately.

Frankenstein: No we do not know each other. I lost my way and this sweet girl was kind enough to guide me here.

Asia was also blushing after hearing. Well hearing words such as sweet and kind from a handsome man is definitely no girl can ignore.

Sona regained her composure and said.

Sona: Asia you can go ahead to your class, we well be guiding Frankenstein to the Principal Sir's office.

Asia nodded and waved goodbye to Frankenstein.

Sona: Please follow us, we will be taking you to the Principal's office. After that we will be giving you a tour of the school.

Frankenstein: Thank you very much Miss. I will be in your care.

Frankenstein started following both girls.

Dark Spear: These two are not humans either.

Frankenstein: Hmm. Well it is going to be lot more interesting here than I expected.

Sona knocked the Principal's door and the trio entered. After doing the basic introduction and formalities they came out.

Sona: Now we will be showing you around the school.

Frankenstein. Yes please I am very excited to see this school.

Sona immediately turned her head. Her cheeks again became red and she did not wanted to show her face to Tsubaki or Frankenstein.

They both showed Frankenstein around the school and gave him a basic idea about the structure and layout of the school.

Frankenstein: Thank you very much. You two have treated me so well.

Sona: It is not a problem. Besides it is our duty as members of Student Council to help every student.

Tsubaki was standing behind Sona. She was the Queen and Sona was the King of her peerage. Seeing that her King was handling all the talks, she did not spoke much and just watched their interaction. But she noticed the change in her King's voice.

Frankenstein: I assume that today I will not be attending the class?

Sona: Yes. Today was just to familiarize you with the school and its surrounding. Tomorrow onwards you will be having your regular lectures. You will be in our class. Besides that by today itself your uniform will be delivered to your house. If any problems regarding school comes up you can contact the student council.

Frankenstein: Thank you Miss Shitori for all your help and you too Miss Tsubaki. Well then I will be taking my leave. See you two tomorrow.

Saying goodbye Frankenstein went on his way towards the school gate. Sona just stood there watching Frankenstein till his silhouette vanished in distance. Tsubaki saw this and came near Sona.

Tsubaki: Is there any problem my King ?

She asked in a teasing tone. Sona knew she was teasing her so she replied in a cold voice.

Sona: No. there is no problem.

After coming out of school Frankenstein decided to explore the new city. While walking Frankenstein asked

Frankenstein: Did you noticed something unusual.

Dark Spear: Besides those two girls I experienced more similar and powerful presence in the school.

Frankenstein: We need to find the truth behind their identities. Things just got a lot more interesting.

Frankenstein gave a sadistic grin and walked into the city.     

Hello there, this chapter is a bit small. As I wanted to try new style I kept it short. But coming chapters will be normal. Well I have plans about Dark Spear and in coming chapters its powers and relation with Frankenstein will be elaborated. Regarding other girls I have rough outline about them. But I am confused about Rias. Should I add her on Franki's side or should I make her evil. Besides who do you prefer Sona Sitri or Rias Gremory?

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