The kidnapping~

412 6 16

3rd person POV

Yo, This is where the real triggers begin. Blood, torture, insanity, so and so. I seriously advise you to leave now if you get easily triggered.

All of a sudden, both Kirishima and Deku had hands over their mouths. Izuku struggled and thrashed, then became more frantic after 10 seconds. He needed air, and fast. He turned his head to see Kirishima in the same boat as him. Their vision turned black, and they were out cold. Luckily for them, they weren't the main targets in this attack.

Todoroki stirred from his dreamless sleep to find himself in a peculiar room. One wall was pretty much the only light source, and it hurt to look at, while the rest of the walls were as black as squid ink at midnight. Todoroki was tied by gray rope, unable to speak or move. He began to shake as a door he hadn't noticed before slowly opened." Why so scared Sho~" Todoroki's eyes widened in shock and fear as the monster that was once Bakugou stood before him. No, this wasn't the explosive dandelion he once was. He was a shell, a small bit of the person he once was. The angry Pomeranian was no more.

This. This was a evil spawn of hell. This was a bloodlust murderer. Katsuki slowly walked up to Shoto, pulling a chainsaw from where it was obscured behind his back.

Shoto looked up, pure fury shining in his eyes. If he was gonna die, he refused to die cowering and begging for mercy. He braced himself, and.........

Bakugou stopped, gave him that spine-chilling smile, then snapped. In through the door, brought by someone in a black cloak and wearing a fox mask, came Rei Todoroki (His mom), Fuyumi Todoroki (His sister), and Natsuo Todoroki (His brother). Shoto's eyes widened even wider (If that was even possible), and he dropped all his pride. Bakugou ripped off the tape covering his mouth, and Todoroki immediately fell to the floor, begging and pleading and sobbing and screaming. Bakugou grinned even wider, and he slowly dismembered Rei, letting her screams echo throughout the room and Todoroki's mind, The next day came Fuyumi, then Natsuo. 

At this point, Shoto was all but insane. Just one more thing would push him over the edge into a void of insanity. 

The next day, the door was opened once again, and Todoroki wearily glanced up. Katsuki walked in, dragging something behind him. "I brought food~" He sang as he walked up to Shoto. He slowly lifted the thing up, revealing a large bag. He emptied it out for Todoroki to see. In front of him was his family's body parts.

Todoroki stared at them, then Katsuki, confused and terrified.

Bakugou just grinned and grinned and grinned. All of a sudden, Katsuki bent down to pick up one of his family member's arm and held it inches from Todoroki's face. He then giggled, and force fed the arm to Shoto.

And that pushed him over the edge.

Bakugou then went out the door, soon returning with a piece of rope.


Katsuki tied the rope into the shape of a noose, and put a chair behind it. He glanced at Todoroki, then dragged him over by his hair

Bakugou pulled the bicolored boy onto the chair and put the noose onto Shoto. 

He then got behind the chair and pushed Todoroki off.

And that was the end of Shoto Todoroki.

Katsuki skipped out of the room, and planned his next fun kidnap-torture-kill game. 

Because to him this was all a game

And the students of 1A were his pawns.

Villain BakugouWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt