"Did my Mum send you?" Alexander asks suddenly, frowning. He's been in a bad mood ever since Lena showed up here. It seems like he's not even noticing the cat climbing up his leg here and there, trying to get his attention.

"No," Lena says. "She doesn't know I'm here."

Alexander finally breaks the space between us and walks towards us, stopping in front of Lena. "Listen here since I don't know if I've made myself clear to you, but Gabrielle is the more forgiving one in our relationship, but we're also a team and if you come after her, you come after me and I'll come after you. Is this understandable?"

"Uh," Lena says, glancing at me. "Yes. I understand you." She sounds uncertain and I don't know where it's because Alexander makes her nervous or there's some other reason behind her act.

"Good. You better not pull your stunts anymore or I'll personally send you back to where you came from. Still on the same page?"

I see her throat bob as she swallows. "Yes. All clear. I'm telling you, I'm here to do better by you."

I clear my throat. "Well, would you like something to drink?" I offer finally as a peace-maker and Alexander's head sharply turns into my direction. He knows I'm on a path of forgiving her and he doesn't like it, it seems. But I'm not going to forgive her just like that, I just want to see where she goes.

I don't trust her words and I'll need her actions to prove them.

"A glass of water would be fine. Thank you, Gabrielle." She offers me a small smile that throws me off a little because I'm just not used to seeing it.

I stand up and go to the kitchen, bringing a glass of water for Lena back with me. "I suppose we could go out somewhere tonight," I suggest, sitting on the couch next to Alexander that decided to join us on it, as well.

He looks at me with a questioning look, his eyes roaming all over my face.

"Really?" Lena asks in excitement. "I would love that."

I tilt my head to the side, silently asking Alexander if he's okay with that. He puts his hand on the back of my neck, pulling my head closer. "Babe. What the fuck?" she asks quietly, his words for my own ears only.

I put my hand on his thigh and rub it. "Trust me," I say back, equally quietly. I turn to Lena then and give her a genuine smile. "I'll call Sam and ask her if she wants to join us." I think she'll say yes to me quicker than she would if Alex called her.

I go to the kitchen to get some privacy in case I have to explain things to her. I don't want Lena to listen to our conversation. "Hello, my favourite girl in the whole entire world. Did you get the pictures I sent you of Ace? Gosh."

I open my mouth and clamp them shut. She's asking about the pictures of her dog that she named Ace. She said it was unoriginal and she just Googled the names and picked one because she couldn't think of one. But to say Sam is in love with her dog would put it mildly. She absolutely adores the littles guy and she regularly sends me pictures. "No, I haven't had the chance. I'll look at them afterwards. I'm calling to ask you if you're free tonight and would like to come out with us."

There's a pause. "Like, a party?"

"Yes, I guess."

"Hell yeah!" she exclaims. "With Sin? And you?"

"Yes. And Lena," I add slowly.

"Sorry, who? I don't think I heard you right. Thought you said Lena." She chuckles.

"Yes. Lena. It's a long and weird story, but to sum it up, she came here to apologise and she suggested we go out to a party or something together."

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