Chapter 2

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I do not own Alice in Borderland


I woke up in the comfort of the hotel's bed. I slipped on my socks and got dressed. I put my shoes on and pulled my hoodie over my head as I walked out. Last night, I figured out that the more games I play, the more visas I get. I decided that it would be smartest to get more visas quickly.

First I went to the mall. 'I'll need to find or build some type of weapon if I want to survive in this game.'

Luckily, I found a store that had really sharp knives. 'Good thing I learned how to use knives.' I took some hair ties and bobby pins just in case. They're very useful for things like sneaking around. I also took some wire, roller blades, and a full arm length glove .

When I got back to my hotel, I took the wheels off the roller blades and put them inside my shoes. It took me a while, but I managed to make roller blade shoes. The wheels only came out when tapped the tip of my shoe to the ground.

I took the arm length glove and the wire and made a knife holder that was hidden under the sleeve of my baggy back hoodie. By the time I had finished with everything, It was already dark out. 'I should make my way to a game arena.' I put the bobby pins on the hair ties, put the hair ties on my wrist, and headed out.

The first game arena I found was a large apartment building. I made sure that my hood wouldn't come off, and walked towards the entrance of the building. I grabbed a phone and looked around. There were many people, most of them seemed scared. The ones that caught my eye were a girl with short hair, who was stretching, a guy who looked like he might've been in the military, and a guy wearing all white. I couldn't see the guy in white's face, since his head was down. He seemed to be charging something. I looked down at my phone.

Please wait until the game commences

Currently 11 participants

1 minute until registration closes

A man wearing a baseball cap came up to me. "U-um, excuse me? Where did all the people in Tokyo go?" He asked. I sighed and ignored him. 'It'll be better if I don't talk to anyone. Especially newbies. They'll only slow me down.'

The man looked uneasy and tried to speak again, but was cut off by a man whose short hair was dyed blonde.

"There's a lot of people here, maybe one of them's a doctor." He said to his friends. His friend was wearing a grey hoodie and had messy black hair. They walked past me and took a phone. The voice of the phone knocked me out of my thoughts.

Registration is closed

There are a total of 14 participants

The game will now commence

The man who had tried to talk to me was now talking to the guys who had just arrived. Once again, asking what was going on. The one with the messy black hair tried to respond, but the one with the short blonde hair stopped him.

Difficulty, 5 of spades

"It's gonna be physical. Only the strong survive." A man wearing a black hat went up to messy hair and blondie and started to explain what each of the cards meant. 'Hm, this could be very helpful for future reference. I should listen in.'

"The suit of the playing card usually means what kind of game it's gonna be. Club is a team battle, Diamond is your wits, and as for Hearts. Well, that's the worst one. Because you play with people's hearts then tear them apart. The number is the level of difficulty."

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