Chapter 1

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August 1st, 1884

(Told in Enola's POV)

It was a hot summer morning, and I was awoken in my hotel room from a large BANG outside. 

London Normalities... 

I looked at the clock overhead... "Crap," I said to myself, I had overslept, no wonder the streets were already busy. I jumped out of bed, trying to brush my hair and get dressed at the same time.

Shoes, shoes, shoes, I thought to myself as I hopped around trying to find my shoes. I was going to be late, and Sherlock wouldn't be happy. After a very long and exhausting hour, I was finally ready, I walked to the door of my flat to find a note...


I apologize for the last-second message, but I will be out of town on August 1st. You don't have to come to the firm that day.


I grumbled with frustration but looked at my other letters piled in front of my door.

Advertisement, newspaper, letters from the firm, and ... Tewksbury?

I almost jumped in happiness, A LETTER FROM TEWKSBURY! I fumbled with the letter and opened it with bated breath

Ok, this chapter is gonna get long if I include the letter and stuff, so onwards to chapter 2. BTW, feel free to leave comments and suggestions, this is my first try at wattpad.

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