familiar #2

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Nat pov

I go back to the tower and go to my room to think

I pull up Spiderman on YouTube and begin watching him Fight

After a while I decide on a lesson in school to teach 

Time skip to next day

I get to school and go to my class to see him sitting at the back again

"Ok class, today we are going to do self defense in the hall" I announce and everyone gets up to go

We get into the hall and set out mats

"Can I get a volunteer" I say

Everyone except Peter puts their hand up

"Peter can you come up" I say

He comes up and gets into position

I swing first but he dodges and pulls that arm and flips me over him pinning me

"Wrong choice" he says jokingly

I flip up and over him wrapping my legs around his head and neck but he grabs me and gets me In a choke hold and I tap out

"That was good" I say out of breath

"Maybe you should sit this out" I say

Everyone looks shocked but I tell them to go do what they want and I go sit with Peter

"Where did you learn russian" I say

"I don't know" he says

"Where did you learn to fight" I ask

"I don't know either" he says

I like this kid alot, he reminds me of Bucky and me but I sadly can't just take him away

"What is your earliest memory" I ask

"Waking up this morning" he says confusing me

"But I don't remember stuff, it's like I just somehow know it " he says

I really want to hug him as tight as I can and not let go

"It must be hard being a hero, you have all that pressure on you" he says

"Yeah, it is like that sometimes" I say

"Who were your parents" I ask

"I don't know" he says looking down in shame

"Have you ever thought about doing a blood test or something" I say

"No, I haven't been that bothered" he says

"You should" I say getting up

"How" he says

"Just buy one" I say

"I don't have alot of money" he says

"I'll help" I say and he looks up at me with joy

"Ok, thank you"

Time skip to after school

I meet Peter to go get a blood test and we walk into the doctor's office and begin

We wait for a while but we get called in

He shows us the certificate of it and it reads

Peter romanoff Barnes

Son of Natasha romanoff and James Buchanan Barnes

He turns to me and hugs me tight

I could stay like this forever

I begin to tear up and burry my head in his hair

"I love you mom" he says

"I love you too" I say

He looks up at me with watery eyes and I lead him to my car outside and we drive to his home

"Do you want to live with us In the tower, your father lives there" I say

He wakes his head yes so we go to collect his stuff

While he's getting his stuff I text James

'i found him'

'who's him'

'our son'

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