Villain Deku part 2

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You wake up in a dimly lit room on a soft and comfy bed. You squint your eyes to make more details of the room. You're currently sitting on a four-post queen-sized bed with silk sheets a luxurious duvet cover and fluffed-to-the-max pillows. To the left of the bed, there is a balcony, where you can see the sun seems to be dissapearing behind the buildings, with huge glass doors leading to it shut closed and what seems to be bars across them too. Further down the wall there is a five drawer dresser cloaked in shadows with a few plants and a book decorating the top. Just in the corner is a plush rocking chair with a lamp just above it and what seems to be a coat hanging over the chair.

 Over to the right is a half open door leading to what seems to be a bathroom,  a vanity, a coat hanger and small shoe rack where your belongings are all placed, except for your groceries. A door that's closed and locked, which is obviously the one to the hallway and out of this place. A full length mirror, and a large magnificently intricated wadrobe with gold detailing just to the right of the bed. With a dark green wallpaper with black french crests and a dark wood floor with a circular furry black rug that covers the half of the room where the bed is. Everything in the room seems to fit a certain colour theme; black, green, dark stained wood and details of silver and gold.

"Beautiful." Your voice barely above a whisper as you stare at the wardrobe. "Isn't it?" You whip your head around the room, trying to locate where the voice came from, when your eyes landed on the door to the bathroom which seemed to have opened slightly more. You waited for the voice to speak once more, and after a few minutes of waiting, you decide to try to move off the bed when you hear a chain rattle slightly. A chain was connected from the bed post to your leg, and essentially, your whole body.  But the chain seemed to have enough give to walk around the whole room. 

So you stood up off the bed, for a few seconds. Before a pain shot up your leg from where Izuku had sedated you. You flop onto the soft black rug when you hear a light chuckle coming from the chair in the corner of the room, followed by a calm voice stating "Best not to move around for now love." As the light gets dimmer by the fading of the sunlight, you will yourself to see further into the darkness. But all you see is the room and all its furniture, and the outline of a figure walking towards you. 

You crawl back a few feet until your back hits the wall. You look up, slightly terrified at the figure as the get closer to you, and extend a gloved hand. They say nothing, and being as you can't exactly get off the ground on your own, you take the hand. They guide you up on your feet and catch you when you lose your footing. It's only then you get a good look at their face, "Izuku?" 

"Again, very close. But not quite. I go by Deku now doll~" He seems a lot more calm than when he was chasing you. His features were the same as they always were, large beautiful green eyes, unruly and fluffy green hair to match, four freckles placed upon each cheek, soft but scarred skin, you weren't sure whether to be grateful to see him after all these years or scared for your own safety.

You decided to risk it and give in to the overwhelming joy of seeing your once-thought-dead best friend, so you hugged him. Deku was surprised at the sudden gesture, but welcomed it nonetheless, hugging you back tighter than you expected. You stayed there for a few minutes and you both started tearing up. Your body not able to handle so much weight at the moment collapses and both you and deku fall onto your knees, still in your tight embrace. 

"I've missed you, so much Deku. So goddamn much." Your face still resting on his shoulder, voice shaky from the crying you just did, he turns his head a little and replies with an equally breathy voice, "I know doll, as have I. Which is why I'm never letting you go. I never should've let my sight off of you for so long, but now I can keep watch over you forever where I know you'll be safe doll..." Your face started to twist and contort into a one of worry and fear as he continued on, "Now no one will ever be able to hurt you or take you away from me. You'll stay right here, I'll bring you your favourite meals, we'll play your favourite games and my favourite games and be so happy and you'll never leave me or escape." 

You could feel the smile growing on his face, and the tone in his voice getting more and more excited as he went on explaining. Feeling terrified you try to stop Deku from going on, you whisper out a, "Wait what?" He stops and brings you in front to face him, never taking his hands off your arms. He has a sympathetic look on his face, that actually seems sincere. "You heard me doll, I'm never letting you go. I love you too much to let you go about while I'm not there doll~ You've seen the room around you correct? There is no means of escape, whether it be out of this place, or off this world. I took extra precaution just so my precious doll could feel safe and secure~"

His hands slide down to your waist, as if holding you in place, but ever so lightly. "I love you so much doll, I always have. And now that I have you, I'm not letting you slip away." You're in a petrified state, but your mind is clear enough to know that you need to escape somehow. So you deliver a swift sucker punch to Deku's gut and he lets go of you to clutch his stomach. You run over to the door leading to the hallway and start to fiddle with the handle. Much to your relief the door is unlocked, but you here shuffling behind you and looking to see Deku getting up and walking over to you, clearly still a bit hurt.

You swing the door open and run through, not worried about the fact you can't exactly see anything. You trip and fall and much to your dismay, you wind yourself for a minute. Laying on the floor you curl up into a ball and hear a chain rattle slightly. You remember that you are chained to the bed and start to tear up. You look over your shoulder to see Deku leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed in front of him when he lets out a sigh of pity.

He extends his arm to reach something on the wall beside him and the lights flicker on. You look around to see that you are in a closet. You stare at the room around you, and Deku shifts his position and says, "I probably should've told you earlier, but the only way in or out is through Kurogiri's portals. I told you, there's no escape doll~" And that's when you realize, there really is no escape from here. Tears start welling up in your eyes, your chest squeezing around your heart, your throat clawing at your air way and you rest limp on the floor as you will yourself not to cry. 

Deku walks over and picks you up, you try to fight back but think, what's the point? Bridal style, he carries you over to the bed, places you down gently, takes off the chain from your sore ankle and walks over to the otherside of the bed. He lays down next you and he holds you close while you're still in a ball. Lovingly stroking your hair, he whispers in your ear "It's gonna be alright doll, I'm here." You no longer have the will power to not cry, and all at once you release all the pent up anger, sadness and hopelessness. You grasp yourself tighter than before and nuzzle your head a bit in Deku's chest. 

Deku, still holding you close, starts to rub your back in circles as well. As you continue to wail, a smile forms on his face. All because he's finally done it.  He finally caught the love of his life, his doll, and has them all to himself. And the best part, they won't ever try to leave, because they know there's no escape, not without him. He was also a bit impressed about himself for the fact you didn't even see the closet was a bit of an illusion. But nonetheless, he is very happy that you're all his, and no one else's. 

**this was 1527 words good glory this took a while. But yeah, here it is, hope you enjoyed!**

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