part 2: new crewmates?

Start from the beginning

I paused, resting my hands on my knees calmly and looking at the ground. My legs were scraped up, seemingly from the rocky shores I had washed up onto.

"I-I think I can walk," I uttered out, "C-Can I meet everyone else? Wh-Where am I anyways?"

Hueningkai smiled, and extended a hand towards me.

"Glad to have you on board with us..." He trailed off, "What's your name?"

"O-Oh, I'm Yeonjun. My name is Yeonjun," I replied, taking his hand. Hueningkai helped me up, as I stumbled to my feet.

Excitedly, Hueningkai put the lantern out and led me out of the ship cabin, heading up a flight of stairs onto the main deck. I was immediately greeted by the beaming sunlight and the loudness of the waves tossing back and forth.

I groaned, rubbing my eyes. Once they adjusted to the bright sunlight, I saw there were two other boys on the main deck, looking at me.

One was seated on a wooden crate, another was holding onto the shrouds and looking out into the sea. The last one was at the front, steering the ship.

"Captain! He's awake!" Hueningkai called. I stepped back hesitantly, as a tall boy walked over to me.

"Captain, this is Yeonjun, and Yeonjun this is Soobin," Hueningkai grinned.

"That's Captain Soobin to you," He corrected, "We're glad to have you on board, Yeonjun. I'm sure the others would be willing to give you a warm welcome."

I shakily shook his hand, looking him in the eyes.

"A-Am I dreaming?" I asked, "There must be a mistake, I-I don't think-"

"Hueningkai, take care of steering, I'll introduce Yeonjun to everyone," The captain interrupted.

"Yes Captain!"

Hueningkai walked away, leaving the captain and I alone.

"Captain Soobin, was it?" I asked quietly, "Did you guys save me or something? Where are we going?"

I walked to the railing, peering down at the sea below. The captain scoffed, walking after me and leaning on my shoulder.

"You sure do have a lot of questions to ask, don't you?" He joked, "I'll answer all of them later, just let me take the lead and show you around The Everlasting Dream."

Confused, I followed the Captain around the ship and looking around at the other crewmates aboard.

"At first I didn't want to take you along with us, if I'm being honest," Soobin scoffs, "It was the others who begged me to take you in, not me. I'm not one to take in random people you find lying on the shore."

I simply hummed in response, and nodded. The captain brought me over to the shrouds on the left side of the ship, where the other boy was peering through a telescope and looking out at the sea.

"Beomgyu! Get down here and say hello!" Soobin called up at him. The other turned around, squinting his eyes and tucking his telescope in his pocket. He jumped down from the shroud, landing smoothly on the hard, wooden deck.

"Well, looks like you live after all!" He jested, punching me in the shoulder. He extended a hand to me, and winked.

"Choi Beomgyu, intelligent thief and cannon expert," He smiled, "You could say I'm the brains of the crew, hm?"

"Intelligent?" Captain Soobin scoffed, and rolled his eyes, "Gimme a break, will ya? With what education?"

"Easy there, Captain, I got street smarts, I work smarter, not harder," Beomgyu retorts, "Unlike some of you."

The captain rolled his eyes, and nudged for me to introduce myself already.

"I-I'm Yeonjun, Choi Yeonjun," I stammer, shaking his hand, "It's nice to uh— meet you, Beomgyu."

"Pleasure to meet you as well, we could always use an extra hand around here," Beomgyu replied boldly, putting his hands in his pockets comfortably. Soobin sighed in frustration, grabbing my arm.

"Come on, there's one last person I want you to meet," The captain mumbled and walked off.

"Beomgyu seems fun," I mumbled to myself as we walked on the deck.

"You think so? He emptied your pockets while you were unconscious," Soobin replies with a light chuckle, "He's quite the unique one, I'd say."

We walked to the front deck, where Hueningkai and another boy were steering. The other boy was a lot shorter than Beomgyu or even Captain Soobin, his hands were relaxed as he was focused on steering.

When the captain walked over, he let Hueningkai take the wheel and turned around.

"Oh, he's awake," He said blankly, putting a hand on the sword which sat on the right side of his belt.

"H-Hey, I'm Yeonjun." 

"Huening told me already," He replied, brushing off his jacket, "My name is Taehyun, it's a pleasure to have you on board."

Unlike the others, he didn't offer to shake my hand. His voice sounded a lot— monotonous than the others.

"Y-You were the one who saved me, right?" I asked, "Hueningkai told me back below deck.."

"It was a team effort," He shrugged, "Beomgyu and I both wanted you alive. It would be rude of me to take all of the credit."

Hueningkai snickered, and turned around, "You'll have to excuse him, we don't get many new crewmates on board very often."

I hummed in response. I looked around some more, seeing just bare ocean surrounding the ship we were on. The island I had been stranded on, had long disappeared from sight. 

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