Sweet Apple Acres- MLP Fanfic

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Part Two: Fluttershy

Chapter Two:

Fluttershy was flying and a cloud of butterflies daydreaming. She closed her eyes and drifted in the wind and let the butterflies lead her. Just as she almost fell asleep, he heard two familiar voices. She brightened and swerved to talk to her two friends Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Just as she was about to say hello, she heard something that made her slow down and stop dead in mid air.

"Uh, Pinkie? Did you want your 'supply's'?" Applejack looked shaky.

She almost fell out of the sky, but landed in a apple tree as quietly as she could. She saw Applejack look in her direction and she buried herself deeper into the leaves.

"Oh no-n-n-no. Not here. That would draw attention silly! Okey dokey lokey! I'll be off then. Meet you at midnight behind the barn," Fluttershy had never seen Pinkie so serious before. Everything was very strange.

Fluttershy wasn't a nosey pony. She never pried. But she always relied on her gut. And her gut was telling her something was not right.

Chapter Three:

Fluttershy wanted to tell somepony what she had over heard, but she was afraid everypony would think her silly. Plus, if anypony told Applejack or Pinkie Pie, she was afraid they wouldn't trust her anymore. So she went to Sweet Apple Acres around 11:30 p.m. and scoped the scene. She brought her binoculars that Twilight gave her as a present to watch asteroids fall. Heading opposite from the direction of Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie was trotting here. Fluttershy glanced at the barn and saw Applejack and Big Mac in the shadow of the barn. Fluttershy ducked. The last thing she wanted was to be seen here while this was happening.

Once Pinkie arrived, the Apple siblings emerged from the shadows. Fluttershy was too far away to here exactly what they were saying because she didn't want to get too close, but she could hear the tension.

Applejack nodded to Big Mac and he disappeared into the dark barn. When he came back out, he was luging a large cart of bits.

"Is that all?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Nope," replied Big Mac and went back into the barn. When he returned this time there was a smaller cart, but still very large for carrying money. Except, it wasn't money this time, but gems! All sorts of shapes and colors.

"Ohhh... Pretty! Where'd ya get gems Applejack?" Pinkie asked interested.

"Spike. We sorta... Blackmailed him... We told him if he didn't give us his gems we'd tell Rarity that he peeps on her bathing," Applejack replied red in the face, "We didn't know he did that and we just said it, but they way he so quickly and willingly have us the gems, it must be true. I just wonder what else he does..."

Applejack wasn't the only one blushing, Fluttershy was quite red too.

"He he he! Make sure he doesn't have one of her pictures alone in a room!" Pinkie Pie said half giggling, half snorting, "Anyways, all looks to be in order. See you guys same time, same place next month!" And at that, Pinkie grabbed her carts and bounced down the hill.

Once she was out of sight, Applejack collapsed to the ground and leaned on Big Mac. Big Mac hung his head and sighed.

Fluttershy's first instinct was to run as fast as she could back home and hide but she knew she had to tell somepony.

'TWILIGHT!' she thought to herself.


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