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Nicole woke up, wrapped under the sheets with Hawk, his arms around her and her facing away from him, their alarm going off

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Nicole woke up, wrapped under the sheets with Hawk, his arms around her and her facing away from him, their alarm going off.

Nicole took her arm from under the sheets and rubbed her eyes, sitting up.

"Hawk. Hawk, wake up." Nicole shook him.


Hawk stretched and sat up next to Nicole.

"Morning." He kissed her cheek.

Nicole slightly smiled and looked up at him.

"Did we...did we uh, you know..." Nicole trailed off.

"Yeah, we did." Hawk answered.

They were silent for a moment, until their eyes met again.

"You were great, by the way." Nicole spoke up.

"Really?" He asked.

"Mhm." She nodded.


They then put their foreheads together and Hawk kissed the tip of her nose. She giggled and closed her eyes, the two sharing a slight kiss before getting out of bed.

"I wish I could just lay here all day with you." Hawk whispered as they slowly stood up.

"Me too, but unfortunately we have a karate class to get to in approximately fifteen minutes or else we're late and off of the team, so we better get moving." Nicole reminded.

"Ugh, why did Sensei say five in the morning?" Hawk groaned.

"Because some people decided to dab in class and might I say, it was cringey and embarrassing." Nicole answered.

Hawk rolled his eyes and smirked, kissing her once more. She pulled away and bit her lip, then the two got ready for karate.


Johnny had his students outside mixing cement. The sun was beaming down on them, sweat pouring down some of their faces.

"Sensei, why are we mixing cement?" Miguel asked.

Hawk dumped the cement in the wheelbarrow and Nicole and Miguel turned it.

"No questions." Johnny replied.

"Alright." Miguel sighed, defeated and continued to turn the cement.

"Ugh, my arms and legs are so sore." Nicole groaned.

"My legs aren't sore yet, but my arms are. Why are your legs so sore?" Miguel asked.

"Because we've been standing here for a long time!" Courtney exclaimed from her wheelbarrow that was next to them.

"What she said." Nicole panted.

𝓈𝓊𝓃𝒻𝓁ℴ𝓌ℯ𝓇 • eli moskowitzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora