The entire story :)

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At 10 u were told that parents died in a horrible car accident
You've never went to the funeral or anything u just went off of what people told u had happened
A close family friend took u in and raised u just like her own
This goddess of a woman was Moma Croes
Jayden and u were best friends but Gilmher was a few years older than both of u so u and him were never close
Even tho you've known Gil ur whole life u never actually knew him...he was never open abt
anything u didn't even know what job he had all u know was he made a lot of money
So much that he made u stay home and never worked
He paid for ur school and all ur bills..he even gave u a huge monthly allowance and never asked u abt how u spent the money
When u were 19 Gilmher told u he had a crush on u and wanted u to be his girlfriend

Y/n: I don't know Gil...
Gil: *angrily* are u seeing another guy?
Y/n: no
Gil: so what's the problem?
Y/n: I don't wanna be dating anyone right now gil
Gil: fine! *goes to jayden and asked him to convince u to date him*
Jayden: *took a few weeks but managed to convince u*

When u and Gil started dating he was very protective and can be a bit too pushy sometimes but u didn't think anything of it
Things haven't changed too much...but he made u move in his room with him even tho u didn't want too...he always made sure u ate, have new clothes monthly, focused on ur studies, and took u out on dates at least 2x a week
You'd think with him doin all this he'd want something in return but he never asked for anything in return

*skip a few years after u finished college*
(u studied law and was a qualified lawyer)
*at home eating dinner with everyone*
Moma: so y/n what are u gonna do now? Do u have anywhere u wanna go visit? I hear the Bahamas is a nice place to go
Y/n: actually Moma I wanna work
Gil: *angrily* what?! Why?
Y/n: What am I supposed to do?
Gil: u dont have to work babe
Y/n: but I want too
Gil: I said no!
Y/n: *u weren't 1 to argue so u stayed quiet*

*later that night in bed with gil*
Y/n: *places ur head on his shoulders* why can't I work?
Gil: *passing his hand thru ur hair* bc u don't need to
Y/n: but what if I want to?
Gil: I said no y/n
Y/n: fine! *turns around and goes to sleep*
Gil: *holds ur waist and pulls u next to him* u can be mad at me all u want but u have to sleep next to me
Y/n: no! *pushes him away*
Gil: oh really? Now what if pennywise grabs u?
(Pennywise is a clown n ur scared of clowns)
Y/n: *scared* no! *goes next to Gil and hugs him*
Gil: *laughs* he's not real babe u don't have to be scared
Y/n: *hits him* I'm not!
Gil: oh really? Then y are u in my arms right now?
Y/n: *🥺* Fine then I'll leave *tried to get up*
Gil: ah! No! *wraps his arms around u* *kisses ur forehead* I'm sorry...I love u
Y/n: then let me work
Gil: *sighs* I'll think abt it ok
Y/n: *sad* pleaseeeeeeee
Gil: I said I'll think abt it
Y/n: maybe u don't love me enough then
Gil: *holds both ur hands down and leans over u* NEVER! Doubt my love for u y/n!
Y/n: Gil! *trying to free ur self* My hands...ur hurting me!
Gil: *realizes what he's doin and let's u go* I'm sorry babe *goes to touch ur cheeks* I-
Y/n: *scared* *pulls away* *crying & gets up and goes back to ur old room*
Gil: y/n! I'm sorry! *follows u* c'mon babe! *banging on ur door* open up please!
Jayden: *hears Gil shouting so came to see what's wrong* what did u do Gil?!
Gil: I hurt her hand I didn't mean to
Jayden: what the fuck Gil! *pushes gil* what did I tell u?!  *knocks on ur door* y/n are u ok?
Y/n: *crying* tell Gil to go away!
Jayden: I will just open the door please
Y/n: only if he's gone
Jayden: *to gil* leave please!
Gil: what? No! She's my girlfriend u know!
Jayden: ok? is that right? Didnt u just say u hurt
her tho? Just leave brother I'll take care of her...she's my best friend
Gil: fine! tell her I'm sorry *goes back to his room*
Y/n: *lets Jayden in*
Jayden: are u ok?
Y/n: *crying* *nobs no* he scared me
Jayden: *hugs u* I know....he's like that y/n
Y/n: why is he like that? All I asked for was him to let me work
Jayden: I know I know *puts u to sit on ur bed* calm down please
Y/n: *stops crying* *sits up next to jayden* I don't like it jayden
Jayden: like what?
Y/n: *leans on jayden* how scary he is
Jayden: yea neither do I *puts his arm around u* it's gonna be ok

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