十五 Letting Someone Else Go First

Start from the beginning

I let go, pulling him away from an attack, jumping back to be back to back with Tanjiro, "Even though he asked, we can still find away. And I'm not a midget!"

He just sneered and ignored me, "These guys are speedy too. If we get caught, we're going down too!"

Without looking back, Tanjiro replied, "I know! I agree with Fujiko, we can't kill them. Just let me think for a second!"

The boy looked perplexed, looking at the controlled Slayers before him, 'I don't want to use any attacks, but even if we slash the threads, they'll only get reattached! To stop them from moving...I know!'

Fujiko peered at her brother from the corner of her eyes, a bead of sweat dripping down the back of her neck. She watched as her brother ran around the puppets, forcing them to follow him. Inosuke just growled angrily, watching the teen, "Hey, why are you running around like that? Quit fooling around!"

He was about to move, but the girl stopped him, "Wait! I think he's up to something,"

The teen just huffed, but stayed in his place, watching Tanjiro work his plan. He turned around suddenly, lowering himself down, grabbing the girl's waist, 'Total concentration...'

He threw the girl up over a tree branch, slinging over, and hanging there. 'Unbelievable strength...'

The girl looked shocked, letting out a breath she was holding in. Tanjiro looked up triumphantly, "All right! You're all tangled up as I planned!"

Fujiko looked in amazement, eyes sparkling at her brother, 'Nii-san is so cool!'

The boar on the other hand just stood there silently, trying to process the newfound solution. 'What...'

"What's up with that?! I wanna do that too!"

Inosuke threw his swords to the ground, running away and laughing maniacally, waving his hands in the air as the puppet slayer followed him. He turned around and threw in the air with just raw strength alone, looking proudly at his deed.

He turned around and pointed at the checkered haori boy, "You see that? I can do whatever you can do!"

"My bad! I kind of missed it!" Tanjiro yelled back, blocking another puppet strung slayer.


"I mean you can't really blame me!"

The boar, clenching his fists, turned around to where the petite girl was, "Chiyo! Do you see that?! I don't have to-"

He paused, watching the girl struggle to throw another slayer that was literally twice her size in the air, veins popping around her whole body. 'Come on! Come on! You can do this!'. She kept repeating in her head as she was taking deep breaths in. before she knew it, the weight lifted off, making her look in surprise.

"I did? I did it! I-"

She stopped when she saw Inosuke looking proudly at his accomplishment, looking at her with pride, a shiny aura around him. 'Nevermind...'

"AHAHHAHAHA!" Inosuke laughed, pointing at the hanging slayers, "Just look at that! Check it out! I've tossed up more than you!" he gloated. Meanwhile, the girl was off next to them, a around her, a comical tear slipping out of her eye, 'Meanwhile I was only able to throw one and that person was skimming over the ground, barely hanging...and worst of all it took all my strength....'

"Right! One more to go!" Tanjiro yelled, snapping Fujiko back to reality. "Okay, I'm gonna do it one more time, so make sure you watch!" he said, stalking over. "You got it! That's okay! Just try not to be violent!"

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