Each boy was on each of the house tables, Lysander was, obviously, seated, but Lorcan and Fred danced around each of their tables. When it came to the chorus, the boys all harmonized like the band members.

If their fan girls weren't already crazy, they went feral. Lily, however, sat trying to hold in her laughter at the song choice. She looked up, amused, as James danced provocatively on the Hufflepuff table above her, her head in her hands. 

Once James started the last chorus, the lights in the Great Hall dimmed and went black. Then, burst to life with gold, red and black confetti burst everywhere. James, Lorcan, Lysander and Fred were no longer in their uniforms but all of them in skinny jeans, James in a loose ( not very buttoned ) button up, Lysander with just a jean vest, Fred in a muscle tee and Lorcan in a loose green t-shirt.

The boys danced even harder on the tables, really getting into the song. They jumped and high fived people and spun around. Everyone started to get up and dance on the ground with each other, yelling the lyrics at the top of their lungs. 

James had his big finish with shooting gold fireworks behind him that read: "Ball?" into the air. They lit up Lily's eyes as she looked up with the biggest smile he'd ever seen. She feigned considering saying no. 

"I'll do it if you give us an encore," she said smugly.

The hall started cheering and agreeing with her.

"Let's get her boys!" James yelled into the mic, sending Lysander a smirk. 

Lysander led them into "Midnight Memories" and holy shit, everyone, not just the fan girls went feral. They were all dancing and yelling at the top of their lungs as the boys sang their hearts out. 

Their eyes shone as they sang each verse and yelled into their mics at the end of each chorus. 

Nyah hoisted Lily up and they spun each other around to the beat, but Lily saw Ryan out of the corner of her eye and shoved Nyah towards him. She looked up at James and admired him and how much he was into his performance. The lights were now red and blue rather than gold and more confetti had appeared, but this time in black and white. 

James caught her eye and winked, making her roll her eyes, but blush. Ben's hand found her's as he spun her around in place of his sister. So, while James sang his heart out, Ben and Lily danced to his voice, screaming the lyrics at the tops of their lungs. 

If one started singing in place of the other, the hall took a moment to cheer their name. All four boy's faces were bright red as they played. 

Once Fred let the last few notes ring out from his guitar, the crowd went wild. 

"That was amazing, darling," Lily yelled up at James.

He pulled her onto the table and looked at her expectantly as the crowd quieted down to hear her answer.

"Yes, I will go to the ball with you," she said as she started to laugh at the drama.

James shut her up with a quick, sweet kiss. He then turned towards the crowd and lifted his and Lily's hands in the air together as some people cheered and others clapped. 

All of the joy that James felt soon turned to nerves as the tournament approached. They'd had preliminary games over the past couple of weekends, but soon the day of the tournament arrived.

Yes, the day. James Sirius Potter had stupidly scheduled the entire tournament for one day so it not only tested their skill, but also their stamina. And so, the next morning after singing One Direction at the top of his lungs in skinny jeans, he sat at the Gryffindor table quietly pushing eggs around his plate.

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