Before she sat behind her father’s desk, she looked around at a room she never anticipated ever seeing again. Last night the house brought back to many memories of unhappy times there and here was no different. Driving through the gates she almost expected to see her father and half brothers in the shipyard. How many times had she wished for any sign of love or approval from her father? She never received any from Grantham Sinclair and neither had her mother.

            Naheso Sinclair made up for all the love and affection her husband never gave their daughter and Cheyenne still missed her after four years. Her father lived less than one year after her mother’s death having died in the bed of his favorite mistress.

            “Memories?” Haa’estahetane asked her as she sat behind the desk.           

             “Yes, to many memories,” she replied, “but I don’t have time to dwell on them. I’m meeting with Amanda tonight for several reasons. One is I asked her to purchase Sinclair Shipping or to form a partnership with me and take over the operations of this company and then we will be able to return home. The other reason is if she decides not to purchase it, I am thinking about asking Captain Avery Murphy to run the company or purchase all or part of it. Amanda mentioned last night that she is moving her shipping company to England and I know for a fact Captain Murphy never wants to return there. Which would mean he will want something to do here unless he decides to stay at sea instead?”

            “If the Duchess is moving her company to England and she purchased this one would she close it down and move it along with hers? If she did, cousin, what will happen to all the people here that have worked for Sinclair Shipping since your father founded the company almost thirty years ago?” Ma'xehetane asked her.

            “I thought about giving them two years wages,” she replied. “I know some will have a difficult time finding work with both Herrington and Sinclair Shipping no longer here in the city. They may have to move to other towns to find the kind of work they do now but whatever happens I will make sure they are looked after. Right now, this is to be kept between the three of us. I do not want to stay here any longer than I have to.”

            All three heads turned when they heard a knock at the door and Cheyenne bid whoever knocked to enter.

            Mr. Treeman opened the door and entered carrying an armload of ledgers along with another man whose arms also contained more ledgers.

            “Miss Sinclair, this is Mr. Perkins, one of the company’s accountants. I’m not sure if you remember him or not. He’s been with the company for over ten years now,” Mr. Treeman told her. “He is also someone else you will be able to count on their loyalty.”

            “Yes, I remember Mr. Perkins,” Cheyenne replied smiling at the gentleman.

            “Miss Sinclair,” Mr. Perkins said. “Mr. Treeman told me as of today you have taken over the company. I have known for sometime you were now the owner and was wondering when you would arrive to take the helm. The ledgers show what is in the company bank accounts as well as our clients who have purchased ships from us in the past or clients we are presently building new ships for. The ledgers I have here,” he put his arm load on her desk, “are what each of Sinclair Shipping cargo's, past, present, and future were. Have you been to the bank to be sure the money in the accounts is still there and no one has closed them today?”

            “By no one I assume you mean my uncle?” she asked him.

            “Yes, ma’am,” Mr. Perkins replied. “I overheard him telling Mr. Stillings that you had inherited the company. Mr. Sinclair was not happy and he hoped you would not return  but leave him in charge. Mr. Stilling told your uncle that he should start making sure he got what he wanted from the company before you arrived. That was about ten days ago.”

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