Meeting baby Aera ||

Start from the beginning

Jungkook took a moment to interpret his brother's words and stood up, giving a smile, "Yes, I'm a big brother now hyung! Let's go see our baby sister." He said and rushed in the room where their parents were.

"Hi mom" He said shortly and straight away headed to his father who was holding the baby. The mother chuckled at his behavior and watched him sitting near his father and stealing glances at the baby. Jaehyun handed the tiny, new human being to his two sons and stood up going near his wife.

"They're happy" Eunmi said.

"Yeah, I was especially worried about Jungkook. But I guess he's fine now that the baby has arrived." The husband said glancing at their kids.

They had talked about how they need to keep up with things to raise their third child, as they remembered having Jimin and Jungkook while they were still young, especially Jimin. Eunmi had just stepped out of high school while Jaehyun was having his first year of college studying business. Their relationship was quite strong from the very beginning, which lead them into devoting their love to each other and got married a few months after the news of their first child was out. Eunmi wasn't that confident, she was only nineteen and Jaehyun, twenty one. But they decided to face it together and not abort the child.

That's when Jimin was born. Their first child who made them realize that abortion would've been a huge mistake. Two years later, the pair got the big news again. Jimin was still very young and didn't really understood the concept of having a younger sibling, which made both Jaehyun and Eunmi struggle a lot raising the two kids. One would be having his nap time while other one wanted to play. One would be crying for milk while the other one cried for changing his diaper.

Eunmi barely got any time free for herself, which mainly became the reason why they decided waiting for the two boys to grow up a bit, as they still longed for a daughter. After having a miscarriage when Jungkook was eight, it was now that Eunmi gave birth to a girl, completing the Jeon family.

The two boys kept playing with their new sister, observing the subtle movements of her fingers or when she slowly opened her mouth while she was half asleep. Her complexion was pale with a slight pinkish tint on her cheeks and rosy lips appearing softer than clouds, wrapped delicately in a soft, baby pink cloth.

"Hyung?" Jungkook called. Jimin hummed in response and waited for the younger brother to continue, "What will we call her?"

Jimin stopped and thought for a second before looking at Jungkook, "I don't"

"Boys" Jaehyun called drawing attention from his sons. The two looked at him and came near the bed giving the newborn to their father.

"Do you like your sister?" He asked.

"Yes, she's so pretty" Jimin said, "like an angel."

"Yeah? What about Kookie? Did you like the baby?" Their mother asked.

"Mm-hmm" Jungkook nodded, "I think I love her already. I'm a big brother like hyungie."

"Yes, Jungkook is a big brother, so he has to work on being a good boy more from now." Jaehyun said.

"Yeah, I'll be a good boy and I'll be a good big brother like Jiminie hyungie."

"Of course, Jimin is a good brother."

Jimin smiled at that and gave his brother a quick hug making the parents chuckle. Jungkook looked at his mom taking the baby in her arms and said, "Mom, what are we gonna call the baby?"

"Hmm that's a big question." Eunmi said, "What do you both wanna call her?"

Jungkook pouted as he shrugged his shoulders while Jimin seemed to be lost in thoughts. After a moment of silence, he gasped,smiling widely glancing at the baby.

"How about Aera?" He said, "I heard it in a story, the girl was very pretty and kind."

"That's a nice name Jiminie" Their mother nodded, praising him.

"Yeah, do you know what it means?" The father asked and the boys shook their heads as a No. He chuckled and glanced at his daughter before saying, "Aera means love. So our baby will be full of love for everyone, she'll be pretty, and kind as you said Jimin, and everyone will love her as well."

"Wow, then her name is Aera!" Jungkook cheered, "You did a good job hyungie."

"Thanks" Jimin smiled.


"We're back! Where is baby Aera?" Jungkook shouted as he ran inside the house throwing his school bag beside the couch. Jaehyun chuckled watching the two excited kids.

The two headed straight to their parents' room and peeped inside, "Mom, are you sleeping?" Jimin asked.

Eunmi raised her head and smiled at her sons, gesturing them to come inside. She sat up and glanced at the sleeping two weeks old baby.

"Not me, but Aera is sleeping. So try to keep your voices low okay?" She said softly.

"Okay" the brothers whispered.

"Can I touch her?" Jungkook asked, "I was thinking about Aera the whole day in school, and I missed her, she must've missed us too right?"

"Of course she did," Their mother said, "but I told her that Jimin and Kookie Oppa need to go to school."

"You know, my friends said they want to meet Aera, but I said No." Jimin said.

"Aw why not?" Their mom asked.

"What if they touched her with dirty hands and she gets sick?" The twelve year old stated, earning a nod from the younger boy.

"You're right hyung, I won't let anyone come near our baby sister except us." Jungkook said.

Eunmi laughed and pinched their cheeks, "You two are adorable. Now go and get changed first, then you can play with Aera when she wakes up, alright?"

By the tine it was evening, both the boys and their father were busy playing with the baby while their mother cooked dinner. A smile always evident on her lips as she watched her family lively again after the arrival of baby Aera.

"No Kookie, I will hold her, I'm older." Jimin said.

"But you were holding her before Dad, now its my turn." Jungkook said.

"But it was only for t-"

"Don't fight, Don't fight" The father interrupted, "Aera is right here, you two can together play with her. You don't want your sister to think that her oppas are bad boys who fight, do you?"

The boys shook their heads and Jungkook quickly hugged Jimin, "We're not fighting baby Aera, I love hyungie." He said.

"Yes, I love Kookie too." Jimin nodded and hugged his brother back, making Jaehyun smile.

"Aera loves you both too." He said and looked at the baby in his arms, who was just staring at him with her dark brown eyes and moving her hands in the air.

"We love Aera too!" Jimin and Jungkook cheered and happily and hugged their Dad, including their baby sister in the hug as well. The scene indeed painted a fond smile on Eunmi's face watching from the kitchen.

"Dinner's ready!"


Oh my god, I love this ❤️

You know, there's a moment where the baby is described being wrapped in a soft pink cloth/towel. That's exactly how I saw my sister for the first time. I still remember that day (not very clearly as I was five at that time, but I do remember her holding my finger. And I was like "Mom, Dad the baby is holding my finger!")✨

Vote if you liked the chapter, I had fun writing this one. A lot of memories struck my mind after years. It was a great experience.

What is your best memory with your siblings?
Comment and let me know the answer❤️

💜💜 As I said, requests are open, feel free to leave any idea you want me to cover :)

Word count: 1.9K

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