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   Daron stood and stared with his mouth agape as he watched the man walk out. When he realised the man was gone he shut his mouth and felt his face. It was fucking burning. He'd probably never see this dude again and he's falling hard. He sighed as he wiped down the counter one more time and locked the place up.


   The next morning, Daron was standing behind the counter again. It was a slow day. At least Jenny was here today. A bitch but hey, Daron didn't have to do all the work. That's when he walked in again.

   It was a little chilly out today, so this time he was wearing a brown long-sleeved shirt. He smiled at Daron and the smaller just stared. Not wanting to seem like a creep, he quickly looked at something else.

   "Hello again, erm.."

   "Daron." The younger finished for him.

   "Daron." Serj smiled.

   Daron blushed as he tightly gripped a napkin in his hand. Then Jenny interrupted.

   "Well don't just stand there, doofus. Take his order!" She bitched.

   Daron rolled his eyes. He looked at Serj and gave him a look that basically said this is what I have to deal with. Serj chuckled quietly. "Just the same as last night." Serj smiled.

   Daron nodded and proceeded to make the man's coffee. "Jenny could you do me a favor and get off your ass? Get the guy a glazed donut please. Christ, I have to do everything around here!" Daron heavily sighed as he added thr creamer to Serj's coffee.

   Serj had to stifle a laugh. Daron seemed kinda sassy. He liked that.

   "Really? You can't even get up? To get him a donut?! Y'know, at first I was too shy to talk to you but now you're just annoying." Daron rolled his eyes and placed the coffee in front of Serj. He made his way over to the donuts and grabbed one for Serj. "S-Sorry about her." Daron grumbled.

   "It's fine." Serj nodded while slipping a paper slip into the tip jar while Daron wasn't looking. He smugly made his way out of the shop.

   "You totally have a crush on him." Jenny smirked.

   Daron's face visibly flushed. He gave her a look, then rolled his eyes. Out of habit, he began cleaning a table that wasn't even dirty.

   "Hm. You should look in the tip jar." She hinted.

   "What are you even talking about?" Daron sighed as he opened the tip jar. He grabbed the paper slip and unfolded it. There was a number listed. Underneath it read, "call me ;) -Serj." Daron's breath hitched as he read it. His face flushed once again.

   The handsome dude wanted to talk to him.


Donut BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon