Chapter 46: The Enchanted Forest

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With a sigh, I couldn't help but agree. He was right. We've been couped up in here for too long. Maybe getting some clean air will calm my senses and give me what I need.

"But if I say yes you'll stop." I whine with a bit of a pout which only caused him to chuckle.

"Oh, no complaining." He said with a smile. "You didn't even ask me to."

"You're awful. Sweet, but awful." I shook my head as he stopped. He only laughed.

"Come on, princess, let's get out of this lighthouse for a bit."

His words brought encouragement. So we got changed into some nice spring clothes that acquired for the occasion and walked out of the dimly lit lighthouse. Our attire was simple and light, comfortable as the sun's soft rays warmed my pale skin. It truly was a beautiful day.

Chase and I strolled along the beach, my eyes meeting the endless sea as the waves crash the shore.  Chase decided to go toward the woods of the enchanted forest with me following closely behind. It was quiet between us as there wasn't much conversation. Amongst the birds and the wonderland creatures, there wasn't much noise beyond the forest. We walked in silence keeping our words to a minimum.

There was finally space to breathe and run around. We were no longer trapped in a tower. Not saying we couldn't go out and leave, but we weren't exactly safe either. Our safest bet was the lighthouse, and so far it's done well with keeping us hidden. However I was still being hunted. They were looking for me. And they could be out there any where. Surely though, with Chase by my side, we would get through it. We have before and we certainly will again.

Chase bent down and reached to pick up a Wonder Lily from the ground before gesturing the glittering flower to me. Our hands grazed against each other as the flower was placed to twiddle between my fingers. The sweet aromatic scent hit my nose as I smelled the lily. It always smelled like the carpets back at home. How I missed my beautiful old room. My old balcony covered the peonies and ivy as the sun would hit perfectly on the glass to shine its light through the bedroom. What a nostalgic feeling.

I haven't been able to go home in years. There was no telling if it ever looked the same anymore. We couldn't go back. Not even if I wanted to. It was too dangerous. The Evil Queen practically destroyed the Looking Glass Lands with her magic. There's no hope for it now. It's completely in ruins. If it wasn't, well, we would probably hiding at my place rather than at Enoch's property. At least then I wouldn't have to worry about breaking anything.

Chase led us down the path of the forest, casually walking along while minding our own business. Every so often I would sniff onto the wonder lily as I held it close to me. Chase walked forward slightly ahead of me as he whistled a soft tune. There was no telling what he was singing but it was lively and pretty.

Chase turned subtly back toward me, flashing me a quick smile as we moved along. Even in the quiet it was comfortable. Chase held back a leafy branch from in the way letting me pass first through the thick bushes of the crooked path along the narrow dirt road. The flower still lazily twiddled between my fingers as it was occasionally sniffed from time to time. Neither of us spoke. It wasn't awkward or anything at all. Rather, it was comforting.

Walking side by side, our hands would rarely graze against each other, our fingers slightly touching. If only he would just reach over and grab my hand. The impulsions was almost agonizing to try and refrain myself from wanting my hand held. He appeared breathtaking as always. His perfect hair swayed with each step as his curious eyes gleamed over the fauna and flora of wonderland admiring the beauty of our world. He looked so at peace. He didn't seem at all troubled or worried about tomorrow. It was a good thing.

Take Me To Wonderland (Ever After High fan fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن