bnha; rikio kazuma

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kitaro is the passive and shy clone of rikio's. he's the only boy out of the eight, as at times rikio herself thinks that she could/wants to be or acts like a boy. he has more of rikio's insecurities and shyness, though it's deep down with the host/quirk user, he shows it without fail.

sayua shows rikio's solemn side. she is very serious and often gets annoyed by others' immaturity and playfulness. however, she can also be rude and sarcastic at times because she's not always stuck-up and formal, as you can't see much of that with rikio herself, so sayua clearly lacks that. instead, she's a more justified bully than anything who's also harmless to those who know about her.

hachi follows as the leader type. she is aware that rikio is the main host and she's in charge, but she is great at helping her out when the others need to listen, and she is the motherly type so she's very caring and respectful towards others. however, she can also get annoyed and frustrated when her role isn't being fulfilled properly, since she feels responsible for the other seven when rikio isn't.

mitsue is the confident, quick-tempered one. she takes things very personally finds it unacceptable to be insulted. she will stand her ground and pick a fight if she needs to, though, she's also a good sport and will be supportive despite her anger issues.

okimi has a flirtatious and is quite the lovie dove. she is a hopeless romantic who very much fantasizes about rikio's crush in the future, hoping the best for her adored host who is the reason for her existence. she easily obsesses over things and can't help but fawn at others/things that she likes and can't live without, and she's also very affectionate and clingy.

tami is the peaceful, quiet one out of the eight. she holds the most secrets and finds it important to stay independent, which is also why she's usually in charge of homework and studies. she isn't shy, she just doesn't like to talk a lot. rikio see's her as one of the most boring out of the eight, though she is of importance because tami is also in charge of all of their privacy staying safe.

yuna finds herself to be the flawed, insecure side of rikio (besides the traits that kitaro holds). she's also in charge of rikio's sadness and depression, since she has gone through it before, though it isn't a huge burden to yuna. she often brings down others with her sad ways and isolates herself from the group so that won't happen. she cares for the others, but she feels like she should be the most hated out of them all.

crush: while some of her clones have their own respective crushes, rikio focuses on her schoolwork but she can't help but have a soft spot for denki (or tsuyu as a backup).

sexuality: again, it may differ between "clones" but rikio herself is a pansexual

likes: the sports that she plays, painting, training, checking out new books, listening to music, watching sports games on tv, playing video games, helping make dinner for her family, and napping.

dislikes: studying too often, rude people, silence, staying still for too long, snakes, and being woken up.

strengths: she's good at communicating, putting all of her effort into things, multitasking, a few sports, respects personal space, and she knows how to cook and support herself but it isn't over the top good.

weaknesses: she's not good with keeping to herself if someone annoys her or makes her angry, she likes to pick on others who are competitive with her, she gets impatient when she has to wait for something, she's reckless and worries others constantly, and she's afraid of small spaces/big crowds.

fears: small spaces/big crowds

hobbies: baseball, soccer, archery, lacrosse, badminton, swimming, painting, reading, listening to music, going on walks, and video games.

positive traits: cheerful, optimistic, honest, respectful, modest, helpful, kind, caring, confident, responsible.

negative traits: quick tempered, teasing, insecure, sometimes bossy, blunt.



occupation: high school student

hero name: 

"octad" or "okutado" as the Japanese translation

hero outfit: a turtleneck that's made of a thick fabric infused with a type of metal that will resist knives/cuts so she won't get hurt as easily with a crop top over it, and a pair of leggings of the same material. she also wears a belt that holds supplies and other things that she might need.

affiliation: class 1-a

weapons: none



will be updated soon

casual wear:


first date attire:

formal wear:

winter attire:


class/school year: 1st year



intelligence: 3/5

cooperativeness: 3/5

skill: 4/5

speed: 4/5

strength: 4/5

agility: 4/5

stamina: 5/5


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