I smile and help her get ready and give Autumn a toy that clips to her so she won't throw it while my wife is cutting her hair. Autumn takes it and plays with it as my wife cuts her hair and does very well. My wife finishes autumn's hair cut and smiles. "Look at you baby girl. You look so cute. You did so well for your first haircut." My wife says happily. "You do look great baby girl." I say smiling as my wife cleans up the mess. Autumn giggles and smiles happily as I take a picture and send it to my parents and brother saying Autumn had her first hair cut done by my wife. Autumn drinks her milk happily and plays with her toy. "I really hope that the amount of times we've tried last week and the being of this week I will end up pregnant." My wife says standing next to me. "Maybe we will get lucky after tonight." I say holding her waist gently. "You know we gotta wait about 14 weeks love to actually find out if I am pregnant." She says looking at me. "I know. At least with autumn there were signs and symptoms of you being pregnant. Such as getting sick at the same time every morning and just your change in foods. Along with you saying your breast were hurting. Then you taking that pregnancy test when I went out to get stuff for us." I say looking at her. "Well I told you before what I thought it was. I thought me being sick was just because I was super dehydrated or my motion sickness kicked in. Then when I said my breast were hurting I thought it was because my bra was to small which was normal for me." She says picking autumn up and holding her in her arms. "Yeah. But it was all because of this cutie." I say smiling and stroke her cheek gently. Autumn giggles and smiles laying against her mother. "All that pain that I was in when I hit 7/8 months and the lower back pain, and the early signs of preeclampsia were all worth it to have this little one in my arms." She says looking down at our daughter in her arms.

Autumn squirms in her arms causing her to set her down and let her run around. My wife watches her our daughter run around the living room and smiles. "I have no idea where she gets all this energy from." She says looking at me. "Probably gets it from me." I say holding her against me gently and smile kissing her head softly. "Now that I believe." She says looking up at me with a smile. I smile and feel autumn grab my leg and whine. "What's up princess?" I ask leaning down a bit. Autumn grabs my hand and tries pulling me but falls on her butt and starts to whimper. "Shhh baby girl don't cry. Your okay." I say standing her up and hold her hand. Autumn stands and stops crying holding my hand as she takes me where she wants me to go leaving my wife at the kitchen. I go with her to the couch and smile watching her attempt to climb on the couch. "Is this what you wanted me for? To help you up on the couch?" I ask laughing and help her up. Autumn gets onto the couch and sits happily and looks up at me with a smile on her face. I sit next to her and smile handing her one of her stuffies so she can play with it. "Love its snowing." My wife says walking in and points to the window. I look and smile seeing it. "Oh yeah. Hey princess want to see snow." I ask picking up my daughter and go to the window with her and show her the snow. Autumn looks out the window and watches the snow fascinated. "What do you say about a little snow fun?" My wife asks me. "That would be fun. Let's get ready." I say heading upstairs with them and get autumn dressed in her winter clothes and her snowsuit then head into mine and my wife's room with her and see her already dressed and ready to go. "Alright both my girls are dressed now it's just me who needs to be dressed." I say handing my daughter to my wife and change.

Once I changed I head downstairs with my family and go out back and smile watching my daughter look at the snow as it falls on her. "Wanna try and walk in the snow?" I ask my daughter as I set her on her feet in the snow and hold her hands. Autumn stands looking down at it confused and then looks at me. I bend down and hold her smiling. "Its okay princess." I say showing her it's okay. Autumn watches and smiles and starts to walk in it slowly trying to understand the concept of it. I smile and walk with her holding her hand. Autumn walks but stops halfway and looks around for her mother. "I'm okay baby girl. I'm here." She says sitting next to her. Autumn smiles and sits down playing with the snow. I smile and watch my daughter play happily with my wife sitting next to her helping her out if she needs it. Autumn giggles playing with the snow tries to stand up on her own but fall on her knees looking up at me and pouts. "Your okay honey. If you wanna stand use mommy's leg for support. Try again." I say making sure she doesn't start crying and tries again. Autumn tries to stand up pushing up on my wife's lap and succeeds. "Good job baby." My wife says rubbing her back. Autumn smiles and holds onto me as she walks around holding onto me. "Guess it's a good thing your tall. You got long limbs." My wife says looking at me with a smile. "Yeah guess it is." I say smiling at her and keep an eye on my daughter as she walks around. "Momma." Autumn says falling into my wife's arms. "What princess?" She asks catching her. Autumn holds her and yawns. "Okay I think it's time to head in. Someone is getting sleepy and is starting to shiver." She says grabbing her and stands up. I help her stand and head inside where it was warm then take my daughter and take off her snow gear leaving her in her winter clothing. "You ready for a nap?" I ask her as I hold her against me and look at my watch to see the time. Autumn yawns and lays against me tiredly and closes her eyes. "Okay let's put you down for a nap." I say walking upstairs with her in my arms and lay her down covering her with her blanket then leave the room and head back downstairs where my wife was and see her in the kitchen making lunch for us. "That was so fun." I say holding her waist gently and kiss her neck softly.

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