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𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫

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𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫

i've been knowing oikawa and y/n have been a thing for years, first off he was my teammate and he would always talk about her in practice and second he would always tell me about how he would cheat on y/n.

it was fucked up, really fucked up how he would treat her.

when i decided to dm her and she answered back i took it as a chance, i would treat y/n 10x better than oikawa.

i would give her all the attention she deserves, all the gifts, the time, everything.

i want to be her everything, i want to the person she always thinks about, i want to be in her thoughts always.

i found out they've been fucking with each other just yesterday when osamu told me he saw them together the other day.

i thought i was the only one but i guess i wasn't, i wanted to text her to come over the day i found out so i could ask her if they were back together. but i didn't.

i don't know why they were seeing each other again.

was it not good enough?

was she playing me this whole time like a 𝘵𝘰𝘺?

i can't help but think about it, i want to, i need to be the only one she wants.


𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙫
1:30 pm

"ok wow, so since when have you been seeing osamu?" you were surprised kenji was seeing osamu.

"yeah, i saw him and i was like 'wow he's cute' and i looked for his instagram and dm him" she giggled.

you both walked to the campus parking lot to get in kenji's car.

you got inside the car and pulled out of the parking lot, you guys were planning on going shopping because it's that day of the month.

driving through the city, you rolled your window down, 'smoke break' by $uicide boys was playing.

"we should go on a double date with suna and osamu" kenji said, "oh yeah i don't know about that"

"what's wrong?" kenji looked confused "he found out i've been fucking oikawa while still seeing him, he didn't look mad, but he didn't look upset either. i don't know if he'll talk to me after that" you replied.

you wanted suna to text you and tell you he wanted to see you, you want him to call you, you wanna hear his voice.

"oh y/n you fucked up, again"

"yeah i know, and i'm ending things with oikawa, i don't wanna be with him anymore" you were for sure you didn't want anything to do with him.

"finally" kenji said.

kenji pulled up to the parking lot and parked her car, "we should get matching dresses" kenji held onto my arm.

i agreed and went inside the store. "oh my god y/n look at this dress, i need it"

kenji looked really funny running around the whole store looking at all the dresses wanting to try them on.

"kenji look, this one, let's wear this one" you pointed at a white silk dress with sparkles on the bottom.

you thought it was perfect and so did kenji, kenji decided to get the red one and you the white one.

you payed for your dress and walked out the store with your friend. "so where we trynna go next" kenji looked around the mall.


"let's go to nordstrom i wanna get some pair of shoes" you smiled, you both made your way to nordstrom and looked around the shoe section.

you decided to get some pair of uggs, kenji got the same pair as you so you guys could match.


7:28 pm

you were home from the mall, kenji dropped you off.

you got new shoes, a few dresses, some new jeans and a few more other jackets, and the most exciting, makeup.

i wanna see you, i'm sorry

come over let's talk

be there in 10

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