Chapter 1 Part 2 a

Start from the beginning

Shortly after Sara made her way to the central hall. "Don't tell me these stairs lead to the main game grounds?"

Q-Taro, all pumped up, fiercely said "Dunno 'bout that. But whatever the case, bet we gotta go."

You settled down now, feeling completely out of body. But as you started to numb to your feelings you started to analyze them. Maybe at first you were in denial of what happened. And maybe as you realized this isn't a situation you can just brush aside and fix like you always do, those emotions that have been pushed aside for so many years finally had you in its grasp. And in a moment of weakness, you shared those tears with another. You kept in your own thoughts, and drifted from hypotheticals and analyses to memories. You never cried this much before. When you felt any negative emotion you always shut it off . Hikari was the closest person to you and you never even cried to her once. And, now with regrets you have to live the rest of your life knowing she was gone because of you. The light of your life was now dead because of you. You could have sacrificed yourself. And you didn't. You could have saved her. As the extreme apathy settled in, you turned away as they continued to talk with concern of Miley's current location. As you did, Sou grabbed you by the arm preventing you from leaving. You glanced back before pulling your arm out of his grasp. "..What are you doing?"

Shocked by your reaction, he put his hands up in defense "My mistake! I just thought we should stick together especially with how things seem to be going, it'd be safe to be in a pair."

Detached from all reality, you held out your hand for him to take. You didn't know what to think of him, if he was trustworthy or not. But given your position, it wasn't like you wanted to be alone either.

He took your hand, you held it tightly and closed your eyes as you walked. Feeling his warmth, you reminisced in the way you held hands with Hikari; squeezing it tightly in comfort.

But as you were mindlessly clinging onto memories of her, Sou's voice pulled you out of thought. "Y/N?"

"Huh? oh.. yes?"

"Are you feeling okay? You're squeezing my hand really hard"

You took it back and held your arm instead, to replace the feeling of warmth. "Sorry, just not in the right headspace."

You two head back into the dark tucked away room, you take a chair and lay your head down on the table. Watching as Sou sits besides you, wasting no time to get back to work, turning the laptop back on.

"Sou..?" You asked, tugging on his shirt. You felt so incredibly weak, that indifference started to feel heavy. And whatever life you had before had completely dissipated into nothing. You played with the fabric of his shirt deep in thought, thinking of the way Hikari would cling onto you. You just couldn't get your mind off her.

"I know what you're going to say already, but before you do." He grabbed your hand tight in his, turning his face away from you. "Moping won't do us any good. Just focus on our task at hand."

Your eyes pulled away from his shirt and to his face as he sat in thought looking at the laptop. Observing through your puffy lids as his face screamed emotionless despite what had happened before. Roughly pulling your hand away, you get up from your chair in annoyance. "How would you know what I was going to say? You barely know me."

As you go to leave the room, you're met face to face with Sara, "Oh sorry." You say, trying to find your way around her.

"Y/N, are you leaving? Sou told me to meet you two here." She said cocking her head, stepping into the room.

"Oh, did he?" You snuck a glance at him in disbelief before forcing a chuckle, "I'll stay for a little while longer." Taking a step back, you redirected your attention back to Sou and took your seat back next to him. "I assume he wanted to show you the laptop, right?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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