chapter 2

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"Lunch time finally!" I yelled once the bell rang. Jan and I were walking out of PE.

"Stop yelling and let's get some lunch," Jan hurried me.

"Alright, alright, I'm going," I was in the hallway walking to cafeteria. It was pretty crowned, almost like a football field.

"Hey, I'm going to the restroom. I'll meet you up at our spot," Jan said walking away already.

"Okay!" I yelled so that she could hear me.

I waited in line. Boy was it long. I grabbed a piece of card board pizza. If I had came earlier, maybe I could have gotten something better, but I can't complain. I took a long time trying to finish the assignment in class.

Our spot was sort of in the middle of the surrounding tables. It was just a little off the side. It was dark green and had just the right amount of shade.

I was the first to arrive.

Shoot! I forgot my napkin. I thought to myself. Meh, oh well. I don't care, and i just started to dig in.

"You eat like a pig," Sky came up and sat across from me. I was half way through the pizza.

"I do not," I said with my mouth full, totally contradicting myself. Once I was done chewing, I said, "You came to bully me? Really? Don't you have something better to do?"

Sky looked to the side to check something. I wondered what but then he started to talk.

"Of course, I have plenty of better things to do instead, but your peasant way of eating is much more amusing," he smiled evilly and laughed as if in cue.

"I don't like you," I nearly growled.

"Star! And you tell me Sky is mean to you. Look at you. He was all smiling and laugh and you such hurtful words. I thought better of you!" Jan had popped in at the wrong time and moment.

"What?! ME!?" I said shocked

Sky looked at me with a puppy face. This was a trap. Sky is so evil he must not be human! He came up here to make me look like the villain.

"I'll just leave," Sky said in a pained voice. Oh, he was a good actor. I'll get him for this.

"No, you stay. Star apologize," Jan ordered. She looked down at me with flames in her eyes.

Sky stayed and I could see him trying to hide a smile. I only gulped, frightened by Jan's anger. She can sure look scary.

"What's going on here?" Luke joined in.

"Absolutely nothing! You came at the right time. Unlike some people here named Jan. Let's go take a walk!" I blurted. I was already dragging him before he could say yes.

Sky frowned in disappointment for some reason, but I couldn't catch much more because I could feel Jan's eyes throw darts at my back. I wanted to get away.

Once we were out of ear shot, he finally spoke. "So are you going to tell me what happened back there? Jan is usually never mad."

And I explained to Luke about the whole meeting Sky, how he's mean and set me up.

"Pretty messed up," his face was in thought. "I wonder why he doesn't like you."

"Me too, but I wish Jan believed me. She should know me by now since we've been friends for 5 years."

"Don't blame her, besides she just happened to arrive at the wrong time," Luke tried to console me.

"I'm partly to blame. I wish hadn't told Sky I didn't like him. Even if it is that way, it's a little harsh."

"He has most of the blame. He was mean from the start. I would have reacted the same way," Luke stated.

We walked around the field for a while when Luke suddenly started to smile.

"What's up with you?" I said like as if he was a weirdo. No, wait, he is a weirdo.

"I have an idea that will make him stop bothering you."

"Well? Tell me. You're leaving me in suspense. I need a fast solution."

"You should show him you have a boyfriend! He'll back off since the boyfriend might beat him for being mean to you." He smiled as like his plan was flawless.

"And where would I find this so called boyfriend?" I asked, annoyed.

"You're looking at him," he smiled widely.

"Luke, I'm not that desperate," I said before thinking.

"Ouch," he clutched his heart and bent forward as if in huge pain.

I punched him in the shoulder, "Don't be such a drama queen. You're my best friend with Jan. I don't want to mess up our friendship and make things weird."

"I was just kidding," he chuckled and turned away. But deep down in that smiling face, I could see that I had hurt him.


Yay! I like this ending. Sorry for the short story. I have no excuses but to say I'm lazy. It's hard for me to stay committed. I usually end up erasing them. But! I will try :') for you guys. Because y'all are special.

Hope you enjoy it, I'm trying to not rush the story. Leave any suggestions and comments below. I really appreciate you for reading. Many, many thanks for reading :)

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