Crack Skits

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"Oi, what are we reacting to?" Aware piped in.

"You're reacting to Class 1-A" she replied

"Why are we reacting to those 1-A losers, 1-B is better than them" Monoma boasted.

The screen opened to Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugo standing on one side of Denki's dorm. Kaminari walks out in a dress and poses. Sero starts laughing his ass off while Kiri and Bakugo just stare at him in confusion.

Tsunotori squealed and started gushing over how amazing he looked.

"What the fuck is this?!" Bakugo shouted. Kirishima joined Sero in his laughing fit and they were both hanging off of each other and laughing so hard tears were coming out of their eyes. "We said be tactical Dunce Face. This is not tactical!" "Respect the drip, Karen" Kaminari responds with a whole lotta sass. "HAH?!" Bakugo shouted and proceeded to chase the boy around the dorms.

At this quite a few people in Class 1-B were dying of laughter.

The scene switched to the Dekusquad in the living room minus Iida. Uraraka looked at Tsu and said "Guess who's coming to give you kisses" Tsu cowered and whined. "I'm coming to give you kisses" Uraraka reached Tsu and peppered her face with kisses. At this Tsu was blushing madly and quickly covered her face with a half-hearted noise of protest.

"SHIP" yelled Fukadashi.

"Ship?" Vlad questioned.

Class 1-B erupted into snickers while their teacher looked extremely confused.

"It's when you think two people would look good in a relationship." Kendo explained.

"Oh, okay then" Vlad responded, wondering about the sanity of the new generation.

The screen switched again to another room with Izuku, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Bakugo. Izuku was standing in front of Todoroki and Kirishima and Bakugo were sitting on the couch off to the side. "Nico nico need to go kill myself" Todoroki said while looking down at Midoriya.

"Wait what??" Shoda asked in concern.

"I hope that Todoroki is alright." Shiozaki said with a slight frown.

"But Todoroki, I thought we had something together" Izuku said overdramatically and Todoroki looked happier. Kirishima started laughing his ass off from where he was standing. Bakugo just looked angry though. "I swear to god. If you don't stop that I'm going to break your nico nico kneecaps" he said with explosions coming out of his palms.

"Is this kind of stuff normal to Class 1-A" Tokage asked in shock.

"Well, yeah." Nova said sipping her hot cocoa.

Kaminari was shown playing Minecraft on his phone. Mina walked into the room and said "Oh you playing Minecraft?" Kami nodded. "I like your cut G!" She said and slapped him over the head. Kami shrieked in response.

"That's gotta hurt" Rin said wincing slightly.

"Wake me up!" Izu sang with a microphone. "Wake me up inside" Tokoyami sang on the other side of the room.

"Oh, it's Tokoyami!" Komori piped up.

Kuroiro just growled quietly.

"I can't wake up." They both sang. "Save me!" Kaminari screamed while being chased by Bakugo. They both looked at each other, shrugged, and went back to singing.

"Are they not gonna help Kaminari?" Bondo asked.

"Nah, they know that it will only make it worse." Nova replied

It shows Tsu crying while Todoroki, Uraraka, and Iida were trying to comfort her. Midoriya was standing off to the side with a very dark look.

"I'm scared, Midoriya never gets angry" Honenuki said, with other classmates agreeing with him.

"What's that wimp gonna do? He wouldn't even hurt a fly!" Monoma said.

Midoriya starts to walk away, towards the door. "Where are you going?" Uraraka called out. "To either get ice cream-" He started.

"See! There's no way that-"

"-or commit a felony" He finished with a murderous glint in his eye.

The entire class shivered at the dark aura of the usually bright and cheery boy.

"You sure about that Monoma?" Kendo said.

Monoma just looked frozen, because Izu could be scary when he wants to.

"I look fabulous" Mina said wearing only an oversized hoodie and no pants. Kiri and Kami were both giggling while Mina posed. Sero then walked in. "Let me show you what your missing." He walked over to Mina then paused. "A pair of fucking PANTS!" He yelled.

"Oof" called out a few people in the theater.

Todoroki was shown looking up 'A happy childhood' on his phone and underneath it showed the tab 'shopping'. The screen panned out to Todoroki looking excited. He grabbed Endeavor's credit card and stole his car. He pulled up to Midoriya's house and sent him a screenshot. Midoriya came running out looking excited. "Get in loser we're going shopping!" Todoroki yelled out. Midoriya hopped in and it showed them drive off.

"I think 1-A might need therapy" Kodai said quietly.

"I think you might be right" Yonagi responded.

"Okay, so do you remember when you all had a medical check up?" Nova asked them.

"Yep" They all responded.

"Well, this is what happened at Midoriya's"

"Why are we looking at a 1-A brats medical check?" Monoma asked

"I hate to agree, but I don't see the point of this" Kendo spoke up.

The rest of the class voiced their agreement.

Nova sighed. "Watch and you shall see."

"Have you broken any bones?" The doctor asked. "Yes." He answered. "Which ones?" "Arms and legs" "Which bones in your arms and legs?" "Uhhhhh, all of them"

"Oh god" Shishida said

"He really needs to get a handle on his quirk" Kamakiri announced.

"Okaay. Any tendon damage?" "Yes. Every tendon, in both my arms" "What the- High blood pressure?" "Yeah, I'm pretty sure" "Anxiety?!" "Almost always"

"That kid needs help." Vlad said in concern

"Depression?!?" "Well...I do cry a lot. And think about the fact that everyone I love is gonna die someday. That actually keeps me awake at night! Sooooo, maybe?"

"I think we need to get Midoriya to a therapist" Tsuburaba said while everyone else nodded.

"Holy shit!"

"He broke the doctor." Awase groaned.

"How about tramatic brain injury?!?" Said an extremely broken doctor. "Ooooh yeah, lots of those." "Fainting spells?" "Plenty" "Seizures?" "Oh yeah, that one time at summer camp." "MOTHERFUCKER! WHAT DON'T YOU HAVE?!?!?!" "Uhhhhh- Oh! I've actually never gotten the flu!" "...Well that makes everything fine then" "Oh really?" "NO!" She said, picking up her chair and throwing it at him.

"Wait, is that why he had to go to recovery girl after he was finished with his check?" Tokage asked astonished.

"Yes ma'am!" Nova chirped. "Anywho, let's move on"

Class 1-B reacts to Class 1-AWhere stories live. Discover now