Babysitting Duty (R)

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"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry, I'll get him to you."

Sero followed after the footsteps that slowly began to fade, yet that streak of light still left a heat residue in the air as well. It had been a while, and if he were frank, he hoped to test all of this new gadgetry with you under different circumstances. But he wondered what you had to do with this man, his suspicions rose in the back of his mind while he chased after the fleeting heat left behind by either of you.

Reaching the end of the hall, Seek crashed through, landing onto the next rooftop in the rain. He rose to his feet, fleeing with his cloak flapping behind him until a golden light struck him from behind. He crashed into the wet concrete, spotting the light fizzling before him, turning into the shape of you ahead.

You slid across the roof, halting your movements while your eyes, smeared with dripping eye makeup, landed on the man, staring up at you from the floor. Through his messy wet hair, he gazed upon you, inspecting your form momentarily until his lips turned into a grin.

"Well, this is different," he commented. "Beijinho, for what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I know who you're after," you informed him, keeping your distance.

"Hm, straight to the point I see. And how would you know? You barely know me."

"I've been following the Commission's cases, and your transcripts took my interest. I have what you want, and you may have what I want."

You eyed Seek, watching that smirk on his lips. He raised his hands in the air, almost in mocking defeat.

"I'm an open book," he spoke genially. "What are you after?"

"Who," you corrected. "I'm looking for the student that was taken during Christmas years ago, under the tutelage of Dabi."

"Dabi? So he does exist here?"

You stared at him with a furrowed and confused brow, standing in the wet while you watched his mind processing your information. His eyes darted in thought, though the rain masked most of his mannerisms.

"Where can I find them?" you continued, catching his eye before a gentle smile crossed his lips.

"I'm sorry Beijinho, but I've been cooped in a room for months. This is really my first few weeks of freedom," he explained with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'm afraid I can't help you."

"And yet you're searching for Overhaul. Surely you know of the actions of the Paranormal Liberation Front," you spoke with suspicion.

"I do, just not this version," he admitted, his eyes boring into yours. "I guess you can't help me for free though, could you?"

You gazed at the man with confusion and disappointment. You felt sure that he may have an inkling to aid you in your own investigations based on the reports you skimmed through. However, you noticed his eyes glancing to the side, tilting to spot a figure by the broken window both of you exited from. There stood Sero, his silhouette painted by the lights of the gallery. This was the first you've seen him this new year, ever since your impromptu Christmas drop-in with his gift. Why now of all days today was the day to bump into him?

Suddenly, bright reptilian eyes swooped into your vision. Seek's hand reached out towards you, catching your distraction as an opportunity to use whatever Quirk he had in those reports. The violent snap of tape wrapped around his wrist and pulled him away from you, spotting Sero wrangling the man from the window.

You took this chance, and charged towards Seek, trying to grab hold of his clothes only for him to dodge and rebut every time. He was quick and agile, precise only to be thwarted with every pull of Sero's tape, preventing him from touching you. Meanwhile, Sero caught a quick glare from Seek, before the teal-haired man grabbed a hold of his tape, pulling violently in a tug-of-war until Sero's feet slipped in the wet.

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