(Max) Chapter 11: Ooh, I get two Parts!

Start from the beginning

Darryl considered it. "Eh, makes sense" he shrugged. He looked at Tick for confirmation, who gave a small nod in return. "Rightie then. Go to the island, return before midnight, otherwise you-"

"Die?" I finished for him. He gave a good-old fashion belly-laugh and slapped me across the back, "that be the pirate spirit!". I hated the pirate spirit.


"Guh... guys I think I got another one in me" I groaned as the boat rocked.

"Oh come on! Do you think I want to hear that? What the hell did you even eat- Ulgh!" Penny jerked her head back as I turned over to the side of the boat and retched.

Correction, I really hated the pirate spirit. For those kids that want to grow up and become pirates, seriously just... don't. Unless you like mystery slop for all your meals, sleeping on a creaky boat, and getting seasick easily.

Oh what's that? You say I'm contradicting myself as I fit all of these conditions? Well in the immortal words of... me, "do as I say... and not as I do".

Penny helped us set the rowboat down in the water and we quickly started rowing. Well actually, when I say "we rowed" I meant "Penny and Tara" rowed. I was in the back trying not to barf any vital organs out. When I stumbled up to Penny to ask if I didn't have to row, she instantly objected first, saying she won't tolerate any "lazy jack*****" and just suck it up. However, after I nearly dropped the oar in the water to clutch my stomach, she quickly took over.

Tara kept looking back at the boat when we first set sail, and I only realized why until the second we couldn't see the boat anymore, she slipped something out of her... clothing? I'm wasn't sure where she kept it. Either she has pockets under the bottom of the shawl, or she straight up stuffs in her headwear, I have no clue.

She set it to her forehead and that's when I realized what she was holding.


"Penny secretly gave it to me right before we left." She explained briefly.

I turned to face Penny. "Why-"

Penny shrugged, "Eh, I hated Darryl at the time. Also I figured I needed someone who was above the average IQ to actually work with"

"Hey!". She immediately started snickering.

"Well then" Tara pulled up an oar, "When shall we start?"


Just a little thing to note. Normally when I got seasick, I felt a headache, a couple migraines, and maybe throwing up if it was severe. But now... I don't know if he put some sort of poison or leftover cafeteria slop in that mystery meat, but my stomach just decided to hate me that day.

I was hung over the side of the rowboat, my mind feeling like scrambled eggs. I was in a constant state of nausea so severe that I couldn't tell if we were right side up.

We were sailing for what felt like an hour now and the sun was nearly setting.. Taking in the fact we had two deadlines to meet now, we really had to pick up the pace.

I smacked my dry lips. "Are we there yet?".

"No!" Penny quickly snapped. "How are you this sick? I gave you those pills for a reason!"

"I'm assuming it's not because you wanted me alive?" I grumbled.

"Yes, it's a very complicated reason, and that reason is to SHUT YOUR POTHOLE" she yelled.

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