"It's fine."

Draco furrowed his brows at Astoria's words and opened his mouth but she squeezed his wrist. "It's fine," she repeated herself. "Let go of her." She waved at the security guards who followed her orders.

"The ceremony will continue shortly." She looked at the guests and forced a smile at the reporter whose magic quill already scribbled down notes in a small book. "I apologize."


This wasn't the plan.

The plan was to run down the aisle and make this grand speech, causing Draco to leave her right then and there at the altar. However, when you stood there and saw her – this beautiful, sad woman in her beautiful, elegant dress – you couldn't. And before you had the chance to think about it, you asked for her, instead of him. Suddenly, you knew what you had to.

Astoria lead you away from the ceremony to a more secluded area of the garden. Big apple trees hid you from the curious eyes of the guests. At any other day, you would have admired the estate. Draco's childhood home reminded you more of a palace than a simple house.

Astoria walked surprisingly fast considered the tight, figure-hugging satin dress she wore.

"Thank you," you said when she stopped and turned to look at you.

Her voice sent shivers down your spine when she spoke: "You did not receive my letter?"

"I did." You hesitated. "Please, let me explain."

"Explain what? Why you interrupted my wedding in the middle of the fucking ceremony?! How dare you –"

"Astoria, don't marry him."

She blinked. Then she let out an exaggerated sigh. "Oh for Merlin's sake, when will this stop?! You broke up with him. It's over."

You weren't put off by her reaction. "If you marry Draco, you will be miserable," you continued. "You will be miserable until the end of your days because we both know that this marriage will only end if one you dies. Purebloods don't divorce." Astoria flinched ever so slightly and you paused, before you added: "He doesn't love you. I can't know for sure but I believe that you don't love him either. Don't do this."

"You don't get it." Her voice was tight.

"But I do," you said, frustration growing inside of you. "I do, I do, we come from similar families, believe it or not. You don't have to do this."

"No, you don't get it." She shook her head. "I-," Astoria trailed off. "It doesn't matter," she then muttered. She straightened her back and gave you another quick, cold glance. "If you will excuse me now, I am about to get married."

"You're hurting," you stated. "Draco didn't tell me what's wrong but I can see it. Something is wrong." Astoria stopped and tilted her head in your direction. "Astoria, a marriage won't fix your problem."

"Nothing will fix my problem."

You bit your lip. She sounded so ... certain. So final. "If that is the case, why waste your time on a man who doesn't appreciate you."

"Right," she scoffed. "Look at you, trying to steal my fiancé by making me think you care about me."

Caught, you shifted from one foot to another. You didn't care about her. Not more than you cared about Parkinson or McLaggen. But you knew that this union was a disaster waiting to happen for all involved parties.

"Are you happy?", you questioned. "This day is supposed to be a beautiful day for you, right?"

You waited for her to answer but when she blinked, a tear suddenly ran down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away. She was shaking, only a little, and despite the warm day, she shivered. "I'm not a horrible person," Astoria then croaked.

Choose Me Instead II Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now