Chapter 2

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"No, no room mate, you know me, I prefer to live alone. Although…" She smiled to Rose. "If your mom is driving you nuts you are more than welcome to move in here, I have more than enough room." She smiled to her. It would be nice to have her best friend there with her.
Internally Rose sighed. I suppose I'd better get it over with...
"I'm not actually living at home anymore," she said with a small smile. "I was just home visiting today... I'm still travelling, actually." Rose waited for the question that would inevitably come, using the last few seconds she had to try and think of a way to explain the Doctor without making it sound creepy, that she was travelling the universe with a 900-and-something year old alien.

She's going to think I'm crazy, Rose thought, and mimicking Angel, curled up and tucked her feet under her.
"Oh are you still traveling? Well my offer still stands for you Rose. Now, who are you traveling with, I know you're not traveling alone, that's not you." Angel knew Rose all to well, plus, the male's scent was all over her. "Who is he, Rose." She looked to the young woman, she wanted to know if the man she was traveling with, was safe to be around, and if Rose was safe, she was her best friend.
Rose smiled.
"Thanks, Ange." She paused. "The guy, well..." Rose was still struggling to find words. "Well for starters, his name is the Doctor. He saved me; I mean, literally. You remember when all the plastic came to life a while back?" Rose waited for Angel's nod before continuing. "I was at the start of it, and he saved me from them. We stopped them... and then he invited me to travel with him." Rose stared out the window and smiled faintly at the memory. She'd almost said no.

How lucky he came back for her. "We travel.. everywhere Ange. He's..." she took a deep breath. "Not human. Looks it, but he's not. He's got a ship; it has a disguise like a police box, and we travel through time, and space." Realising she was bombarding her best friend, Rose stopped suddenly and glanced back at Angel with a nervous expression.
Angel looked to Rose when she told her who The Doctor was. She grabbed her sketchbook from off the table and opened it, flipping through the pages, coming to a page and showed Rose.
"This him?" There was something Angel wasnt telling her, something…..big.

Rose grabbed the sketchbook off her friend and examined the picture. It was the Doctor. Her mouth slowly fell open as she tried to understand...
"Angel, wha... how?" Rose looked at her friend, confused. "You've met the Doctor?" Looking back at the picture, Rose couldn't believe it. A small part of her noticed how Angel's drawings had improved over the years (she'd always had issues drawing people) but most of her mind was consumed with how accurate the drawing was of her Doctor.
Angel stood slowly, moving to one of the back windows.
"Do you remember when my parents where killed in the train accident our freshmen year of highschool? When I disappeared for about a year?" She sighed gently, trying to ignore the memory coming up. "I will never forget the day I met him. I was ready to just end it, end my life. I was on the bridge not to far from here, ready to jump when he found me. He talked me down, it took him about an hour to do so.

He took me out to see the stars in that blue box of his, he listened to me, comforted me." She turned to Rose, "He made me better, he…..he saved my life, in every way possible."
Angel's admission startled Rose so much it brought tears to her eyes, and she momentarily forgot all about the Doctor.
"You were going to kill yourself?" she whispered, clenching her fists so she wouldn't cry, so hard her knuckles were white. The guilt of leaving Angel, not realising how much her best friend has still been hurting came at her like a tsunami, and the tears spilled over anyway. Rose hastily brushed them away. "I'm so sorry, Angel..." Rose glanced again back at the drawing of the Doctor, fingering his penciled face. "He makes everyone better," she murmured softly.

Then she shoved it aside. Rose stood, went over to her best friend and wrapped her arms around her. "I'm sorry," she said again, trying hard to hold back her tears.
"Had he not come across me that day, I wouldn't be here right now, I owe him my life Rose. Now that I know you are traveling with him, I have no doubt that you are safe with him, he will protect you above all else. Don't blame yourself for my transgressions Rose, you didn't know what pain I was in, I hid it from you." She moved over to her, hugging her best friend tightly.

Rose sniffed, and brushed away her tears again.
"I've never felt safer than when I'm with him," she admitted, pulling away from Angel. "Even though we've done some crazy stuff; been in absolutely impossible situations... I don't know. Mum doesn't get it; she doesn't understand how I can stay with him and still be happy, but now I can't imagine life without him." Rose sat back in her seat, tucking her legs underneath her again. "Exploring, helping people, saving civilisations... it's all worth the danger just to be with him." Rose hadn't meant to say that much out loud, but when she looked at Angel again, her best friend was smiling at her.

Angel was indeed smiling. Rose loved the Doctor; it was very clear to see.
"Have you told him yet Rose?" She curled her legs under her, "Have you told the Doctor you loved him yet? If not, you need to, sooner rather than later." Angel heard a clap of thunder in the distance, looking over at the back windows, it had gotten darker. "Ooh, storm's coming in."
Blood and heat rushed to Rose's cheeks, blushing them red.
"I'm not in love with him!" she protested automatically, avoiding Angel's eyes. "I don't; we're just good friends, we... an' even if I did, then that wouldn't work then, would it?" Rose fidgeted with her nails, tempted to bite them. "I mean, he's over 900 years old; I'm jus' grateful he's allowed me to stay with him. We're jus' friends," she said again, almost trying to convince herself.

She eyed the dark clouds out the window and shrugged. "He's supposed to be back around four," Rose said nonchalantly. "He can jus' come get me from here if the weather gets too bad."
Angel smiled at Rose, she was in love with the Doctor and she didn't even know it. She chuckled as a clap of thunder boomed, rattling the windows.
"Rose, tell me this, when you're with the Doctor, does it feel like your heart is gonna burst out of your chest when he talks? Or when he talks a mile a minute, even though you cant understand him, your eyes settle on his lips? Do you catch yourself staring at him when he's bent over the TARDIS working?"
"Well... we.. I.. we're really good friends," she defended, looking away. Rose didn't even want to admit to herself that everything Angel had just described was perfectly accurate.

Rose knew that the moment she got too domestic for the Doctor, he would drop her off back at the Powell Estate, and she was more terrified of that than she cared to admit. "You've met the Doctor, you know how he is," she said to Angel, trying to steer the conversation away from herself. "He's... indescribable. He's infuriating and stubborn and kind and broken..."
Rose shook her head, shaking herself out of her reverie, and she noticed her heart was pounding at just the thought of him. She barely noticed rain starting to pelt the window. "Oh my god..."
Angel chuckled.

"You love him." She got up, moving to the kitchen to make them something to drink, and get some candles just in case the power went out. "What would you like to drink Rose? I've got sweet tea, soda, and water, milk. I could make us some hot chocolate. I also have coffee."
"Hot chocolate sounds good," Rose replied distractedly, her mind still full of thoughts of the Doctor, and how she could've missed what was right in front of her.

She got up and followed Angel to the kitchen, sitting at one of the stools. "Ange, what do I do?" she asked desperately. "He's not gonna want me, he hates domestic stuff and being ... in love with him..." her words sent a shiver up her spine, ".. being in love with him is about as domestic as you could get!" Rose was slightly panicky; she couldn't bear to be sent home. Living in the flat after seeing the universe... she would go crazy. At first Rose thought she was imagining it, but the big thud at the end proved it; the sound of the TARDIS arriving in the front hall. Turning back from the direction of the sound, Rose shot a look at Angel. "He's here!" she whispered.

Angel got two cups out, along with the hot chocolate. She started boiling the water.
"Now hang on a minute Rose, how do you know that he isn't feeling the same things you are? Have you caught stolen glances from him? When he hugs you, does he bury his face in your hair? Let me guess, your hands, they fit perfectly together don't they?" Who knew Angel was such a good match maker. She looked up, hearing the TARDIS engines and frowned, they were…really close, they sounded like they were in her foyer. She moved to the foyer and her eyes widened as the big blue police box appeared in her front hallway.

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