The butterflies, the same ones she hasn't felt for years now, magically appeared in her stomach when he turned to her and laughed. When his chuckles subsided, he flashed her a smile that was all too familiar to her.

The smile that invaded her thoughts 24/7 when she was 15. Memories of how she applauded herself for not fainting on the spot whenever they talked have resurfaced in her mind. I am such a great actress, she thought of herself as a teenager, as she managed to hide the fact that she had the biggest crush on this man.

Jin-Ah initially thought it would be awkward with her and Jin-Woo, that the potential topics they could talk about would only last them 10km into their trip. Afterall, they haven't talked since their high school graduation. Even if they considered each other as casual friends, they weren't THAT close enough to pursue that friendship until college.

Last she heard of him, he was in a relationship with a European model based in Seoul. That was years ago. He could be a family man now for Heaven's sake! Immediately castrating herself for the thoughts in her mind, she immediately peered over his left hand for a ring band.

The smile plastered in her face when he saw his ringless hand didn't come unnoticed to Jin Woo, who's peripheral vision is one for the books, "Why?"

"Huh? Nothing."

Still, she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep without confirmation. And what if he is indeed married, and he just forgot his ring at home? Her subconscious asked herself. And what if he isn't? 15 year old Jin-Ah inside her hissed back.

Curiosity killed the cat, she was once again reminded.

"Why aren't you with your wife and kids? Are they not going to visit your parents?" She asked, taking in a more pensive tone.

"What gave you the impression that I'm married?" Jin Woo quickly replied, "I'm single, Jin-Ah."

Well, curiosity may have killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

The familiarity in the air enveloped the two of them as they traversed the expressway in their rented sedan, the topics coming naturally and conversations flowing smoothly as they caught up with each others' lives.

"You work in Apgujeong?"

"I do. I oversee a department that develops video games."

Jin-Ah nodded, still cannot believe that they were literally walking in the same circles.

"I manage a branch of Coffee Bay there-- Well technically one in Apjugeong and one in Gangnam-gu. I'm there MWF, how come we never bumped into each other?"

Suddenly a look of guilt sprawled on his face that was immediately replaced and hidden by a playful smirk. "I— I always get my coffee fix at Angel-in-Us, I'm sorry. Maybe that's why."

She good-naturedly hit his arm.

"I didn't know, Jin-Ah!" He said as he took in the light punches in his bicep, failing miserably to hide his chuckles. "Had I known, I would've visited you and tge store every MWF."

Jin Woo continued, "TThs are still for Angel-In-Us, of course, I absolutely love their americano."

"What did you say??" The slight laughter seething into her humorous nagging was one of the best sounds he has ever heard. "Psh, come to Coffee Bay and I will personally brew one for you. That will whip the ass of your precious Angel-In-Us Americano."

She continued, "You know what, come next week! I'll treat you to breakfast at Coffee Bay. We're launching new pastries and we would love to get the people's feedback."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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