Chapter 2. Keeping you safe

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Maggie felt her tiny little feet start to ache. They have been walking for what seemed like hours through the broken worn out ruins. Marge guides Maggie out of them, solving puzzles and dodging any obstacles along the way. After a long, exhausting walk through the ruins, they finally make it to marge's house.

The inside had a calm, relaxing atmosphere. It was pretty well decorate with the smell of cinnamon running throughout the house. "Now my child, I have a spare room for you upstairs. Come with me I'll show you." Marge sweetly tells Maggie. Maggie followed her upstairs to see 3 bedroom doors. "This will be your room." She smiles while opening a door. It was an empty room that was painted light blue. Maggie walks in and takes a good look around. The room was a little dusty, but it's fine. Maggie hops on the bed at the corner and decided to take a short nap after the long day.
Her eyes slowly shut and she's off to dreamland.

A couple hours later, she wakes up from her deep slumber, feeling well rested. She slides off her bed. On the floor, a piece of cinnamon butterscotch pie sat there. Maggie picked it up and chowed down on it. There's was a note too. From Marge. It read: 'My child, I saw you resting after a long tiring day, so I decided to make you a little treat for when you wake up. Hope you like it. Lots of love, marge.' Maggie smiled softly at the note.

Maggie hops down the staircase to see Marge in the living room reading a book. "Oh hello my child. Did you sleep well?" Marge kindly welcomed her. Maggie nods her head up and down. "That's wonderful. Want me to read you a story?" She asked. Maggie cheerfully nods her head. "Ok then!" She cheers. After reading stories from snail facts to legends of the war between humans and monsters, Maggie looks at the downstairs enterance and walks down the dark, cold hallway. Marge stopped her though before she could finish. Maggie didn't listen to her though, and kept on trying to see the outside world. This irritated Marge, causing her to snap. "Fine. If you really wanna go outside, you have to prove to me that your strong enough." She sternly says. Maggie dodges all of marge's attacks, taking a couple swings with a knife at her. One more swipe brought marge down on her knees, holding her chest in agony. She looks up at maggie, with a smile on her face. "Well done my child. You have proven to me you are able of taking care of yourself." She softly spoke. "Now keep yourself safe, and whatever you do...DON'T let Cecil get you. If you do, he will KILL you." She frantically panicked. Maggie walks over to marge and gives her a hug. Marge holds Maggie in her arms. "I love you, my child. Please be safe. Be strong. Your determination will guide you." Was the last thing marge said before her soul breaks in half and she fades into nothing. The ruin doors open, as Maggie continued her journey through the underground.

Deep underground( Simpsons undertale!AU)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα