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"How come his stupid brain can think of such a useless challenge?? "

"Am I really doing this??"

Haruto was cursing his best-friend with everything that he can!!!

"And now where the heck is that nerd?? I have looked for him in the entire school, but why can't I see him??"

You sure you looked for him everywhere??

Wth !!! you startled me. Anyway, Wth are you doing here Jeongwoo??

"Helping you out...."

"As if Your challenge is not helping me a lot"

Wow, I was here to tell you where the nerd was, but if you don't want it, then forget about it...

"Ya ya wait! "You know where is he??"

I do but, I'm not telling you.

Sorry my dear Jeongwoo!! Now please tell me, where he is??

Tell me where do the nerds spend most of their time??

How come I !! "Oh wait, I think I know what do you mean!!"

You fool, Finally, did you get it??

"Yes, I got it."

Ok then go.

But wait why are you helping me to win this?

That's because I would love to see the drama happening as soon as possible!!


Ok ok enough with talking. Now go ahead and ask him out already!!

"You just wait and see Park Jeongwoo"

Haruto made his way to the Library. As usual girls were going crazy over his handsomeness. But today he has something else to do. So he ignored them and made his way straight to the Library.

Haruto saw the nerd sitting at the very back of the Library. Those books he was currently reading were thicker than himself... Haruto wondered, "Wow am I really doing this??? "Seriously, look at those glasses, totally suiting to be a nerd"

"you're not going inside??"

Yah! why Are you following me?? '

To see if you will chicken up and run away!

Who is running away!!

If not then go already. And Do it before those girls enter the room, otherwise your Mr popular image might be ruined.

"You are dead once I complete this challenge!"

With that Haruto made his way toward the nerd!! since he was in the Library, he slowly moved closer to him and whispered, "hey are you free, can I talk with you??"

Junkyu looked around and then pointed to himself, "are you talking to me??"

"Yes!! Come outside ok!! I will be waiting for you!!"

With that Haruto left the Library and waited for Junkyu to come outside. After like a minute, he saw Junkyu coming out of the Library.

Haruto looked around and felt a relief seeing nobody around.

While fixing his glasses Junkyu spoke, "umm, So why are you looking for me??

Uh the thing is, I- Uh I have to tell you something!!

what is it???

Haruto took a deep brethe!! It's ok Haruto, it's just a challenge, everything will be back to normal after 2 weeks.
The boy had an innocent look all over his face.
Taking a deep breathe, he calmed his own mind, "Ok Haruto, this is not so hard, you can do this." He closed his eyes and and said it out loud,  "Go out with me!!!" 

With a surprised eye Junkyu responded, "WHAT did you say???"

(Haruto looked around to see if there was anybody but luckily there were non). So he repeated again, "Uhhhh I said go out with me!!"

With a crack in his voice Junkyu replied, "G--go ghh- go out where??"

"Is this nerd being serious!!! he doesn't even get that??" Haruto hated to say it but did it anyway, "Uh what I mean is go out with me on a date"

Junkyu with eyes as big as tomato replied "you are being serious?"

Yes I am being serious!!!

So you like men???

Uh I am bisexual!! I like both men and women (Haruto hoped, it will help to save his reputation at least to certain level)


So what is your answer???


Huh what do you mean??

I mean why you want to go out with me???

Well uhh

Do you like me??

Oh ye - yes I like you!! That's the whole reason I am asking you out!!! (why is this nerd asking so many question, can't he just say yes or no)

So what is your answer!!

What made you to like me??

(What the heck, what am I suppose to say)
While scratching his head, he replied, "Ummm..uhhh.. you look so cute with that glasses that's why I like you!!"


Why are you apologising

"I am sorry but it's a no"

No for what??

I am not going out with you!!

What ??? but why??

Because you don't like me!

No didn't I just told you that I am asking you out because I like you!!

So you really like me!!!

Of course!! (hope it works now)

Ok then tell me, "what's my name!!"

Oh shit!! he was in a rush that he completely forgot to ask Jeongwoo about his name!!

See !! You don't even know my name and you say you like me!!! Do you think I will believe that!!!

You were my love at first sight!!! (Wow am I really saying this)

Stop joking around Mr Watanabe Haruto. If you are here to bully me for being a gay just say so!! What you want me to do,  do all your home works, take all your lecture notes or should I be a slave for you??

What are you saying?? I am not here to bully you. And didn't I told you that I am bisexual?? Then why would I bully you, when I am just like you.

"What did u say??? just like me?? stop making me laugh Mr Watanabe Haruto?"

No I am serious!!

Uh so you like men? Junkyu slowly started to move forward making Haruto to move backward!! Junkyu raised his hands touched Haruto's cheeks!!

Haruto panicked "wh- wha -What rrr are you doing??"

You said you like me, then why you look afraid?? Oh wait, they say, when the person you like is standing so close to you, your heart flutters. So is your heart fluttering too???

(Haruto was scared, the nerd was not like other  usual one, he was different.. looked more of like a psychopath...)

Junkyu stoped moving forward and responded!! "Stop saying you like me, when you don't even understand the feeling of liking someone!!"
With that Junkyu left the shocked Haruto behind!!!

So will Haruto lose this challenge??

So how are you all doing!!! I hope you will like this chapter as well 🥰😃

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