Wei ying went to xie lian and waved goodbye

Wei ying: bye xin-jiujiu and qing-jiujiu!

Mu qing and feng xin waved goodbye

And xie lian made wei ying go to is room

Wei ying: baba?

Xie lian: hm?

Wei ying: im hungry

Wei ying pouts

Xie lian: hm ok i will get snacks wait here ok?

Wei ying: mm!

Wei ying nodded when xie lian kissed his forehead

Then xie lian went outside to get food

Wei ying was so bored

Wei ying went out of his room and saw yu-shushu

(Shushu- is uncle on the father side that is younger than your father)

Wei ying : yu-shushu!

Yin yu is an ex-god  that serves from hua cheng

Yin yu: xiao ying

Yin yu smiled a rare smile because yin yu doesnt usually smile and he wears actually a mask but sometimes he does not wear a mask.

Wei ying ran and streched him arms wide to be carried

Yin yu carried him

Yin yu: xiao ying what are you doing here?

Wei ying: baba went to get food for me and i was bored and wanted to do something

Yin yu: hmm

Yin yu started walking with wei ying on his arms

Wei ying: yu-shushu

Yin yu: hm?

Wei ying: xin-jiujiu and qing-jiujiu are funny

Yin yu: who is xin-jiujiu and qing-jiujiu?

Wei ying: xin-jiujiu is f-f.......feng xin! And qing-jiujiu is .......m...mu qing!

Yin yu: feng xin?! Mu qing?!

Wei ying: mm they are funny because they always fight

Yin yu sighs: they are always like that xiao ying

Wei ying: is it normal for people to fight like that

Yin yu: no they are abnormal

Wei ying: ab-abnormal?

Yin yu: it means they are not normal

Wei ying: does that mean you are abnormal too?

Yin yu sputters: n-no

Wei ying: they are gods ofcourse they are not normal and your a ghost so that means you are not normal too

Yin yu looks at wei ying

Yin yu: 'this kid is good at Brains'

Yin yu: you will understand it when you are grown-up

Wei ying pouts

Yin yu goes to the direction of wei ying's room

Yin yu goes inside wei ying's room and made wei ying sit down on the seat with the table

Wei ying: yu-shushu i have a golden core!

Yin yu: hah?

Wei ying: Golden core

Yin yu put his finger on wei yings wrist to find the golden core and gasped when he felt a golden core

Yin yu: 'impossible to have a full golden core just when he practiced.......this is a miracle .'

Yin yu: very good xiao ying

Wei ying beamed

Xie lian went inside

Xie lian: yin yu

Xie lian smiled

Yin yu : tiazi danxia

Yin yu bowed

Xie lian: yin yu dont bow to me

Xie lian said gently

Yin yu: excuse me tiazi danxia and xiao ying

Xie lian: mm

Xie lian nodded meaning he is excused

Yin yu went out of the room respectfully

Wei ying: baba!

Xie lian: a-ying here is food

Wei ying ran and ate the food

Wei ying: baba it tastes yummy!

Wei ying said approvingly

Xie lian: im glad

Wei ying after eating was sleepy

Wei ying yawned

Xie lian: guess its time for you to sleep

Wei ying: mm

Wei ying murmured sleepily

Xie lian carried wei ying and layed him down on the bed

Xie lian: sleep now a-ying

Then wei ying slept and xie lian after checking that wei ying is asleep went out of the room quietly

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