{ 2 } Arriving at your new home

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{ Hope you guys enjoy! }

You and the guards had arrived late after sunset, due to hillichurl camps, but all that mattered was that you were safe. Looking up at the sky, it has always fascinated you that the sky could be so dark no matter how much stars there were. The carriage came to a stop, right in front of Dawn Winery. The manor was a little smaller than what you had expected, but it sure was big. Getting yourself ready to get off, you saw a man, with crimson colored hair. He had a pair of black leather gloves on, a black coat with fur at the end of it, and what seemed to be a red gem holding onto his black tie. It was too dark and cold outside to be waiting for someone. The red head man started walking towards the carriage as you got down.

He reached out his hand, and you proceeded to put your hand into his. He blended down, his lips softly kissing your knuckles. He looked up and spoke

"Diluc Ragnvindr, of Mondstadt. Owner of Dawn Winery. it's a pleasure to meet you." His crimson colored eyes meeting yours.

You felt your face heat up, you were pretty sure red was visible. He let go of your hand, as his fell next to his hips.

Your mind was blank. "The pleasures mine" you spoke out.

"Come on in, I'm sure you are tired from your journey."

You simple nodded, walking behind him.
He was pretty tall, taller than your father.
His hair was long, but it matched his look and figure. 'Oh my Rex lapis,' you sighed and thought to yourself.

He was the definition of handsome. You were pretty sure every maiden in Teyvat would fall head over heels over him. Just staring at him would give you butterflies. You both entered Dawn Winery. It was grand. It was even bigger in the inside. Standing still as your gaze wondered around, you saw Diluc talk to someone.

"Oh" Diluc started to speak "This is Adeline, she's the head of the maids."

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Adeline smiled

"The pleasure is mine" you smiled back.

"Adeline, please show them where they'll be staying for the meantime. I got to get ready to head to the tavern." Diluc said.

"Will do Master Diluc" she bowed as he headed up stairs.

"Now, follow me now" she said.

You followed her upstairs. Taking a turn, she opened a door. The room was quite big. Your room back home was smaller than this. There was a bed, the size fit for king. You looked around finding it quite comfortable.

"I hope you enjoy this room while it last. In a couple of months you'll be sharing a room with Master Diluc" She winked, closing the door behind her as she left.

You blushed at the thought of him in the bed, covered in silk blankets, moonlight hitting his pale figure, and him staring at you while you slept a deep slumber. You snapped the imagine out of your head, feeling blood rush to your face. Then a knock was heard outside the door.

"Come in" you replied

The door opened, showing Diluc with a dark grey collared shirt, a white vest, a black tie, and his hair up into a high ponytail.

"I'll be at Angels Share so I won't be here for a while. Ask for Adeline if you need anything while I'm gone"

You simply nodded, hoping he didn't witness your face heating up even more.
You heard the door close and once again rolled around. 'Oh my Rex Lapis, how did I end up having an arranged marriage with him??" 

You swear you could just faint, bu decided taking a warm and relaxing bath. You looked through your luggage, finally settling on a a white nightgown, with lace over it, and with a light baby blue bow. You out the nightgown on your bed, and finally headed towards the bathroom where you would spend the next hour relaxing in.

After having taking a relaxing bath, you changed into your nightgown. You walked towards the window, looking outside at the bright moon.
Taking a deep breath, you walked back to the bed.
You laid down, covering yourself with the covers. Looking back at the window, you thought of your family back at home. It hadn't even been a day yet and you missed them so dearly. You turned, closing your eyes that were full of sleep.

You were awakened by the sound of people talking outside. You sat up, rubbing your eyes that were full of sleep, you heard a knock.

"Good Morning! It's me, Adeline!" You heard someone speak form behind the wooden door.

"Come on in" you responded

You watched the door open, seeing Adeline with a smile.

"Master Diluc told me to come by and wake you up. He wants me to give you a tour of Dawn Winery after having breakfast."

You simply nodded, but you were hungry. The thought of food made you drool.

Adeline left the room. You got up from your bed, heading towards your luggage's.
'Ugh, I have to put them in the chiffonier later' You got ready, walking out your room, and heading downstairs. You looked at the big dining table, eyes staring at Diluc as he waited patiently for your arrival.

"Uh, good morning Master Diluc" you spoke, smiling, and sitting down next to him.

"Good morning to you too." He responded

Food arrived not to long after. The food was delicious, you have never tasted food this good in a while. You felt stuffed, you couldn't take another bite. You heard Diluc gently chuckle.

"Haha, seems you enjoyed today's breakfast" He spoke

You blushed, how have you forgotten your manners?

"I very much enjoy it" You responded

Eventually, you both have finished. You were full, but it was delicious. You walked to the living room, looking outside the window. You saw the grape vines and watched people pick the grapes off.

"Now, are you ready for the tour?" Diluc asked as he made his way towards you.

"I'm ready" you replied

You two headed out the door as wind blew and hit both of you. Diluc continued to walk as your eyes wandered around the grape vines. There were so many, so many that you could feed a whole city.

Your trailed behind Diluc for the next 2 hours. His crimson colored hair shown brightly as the sun hit it. He was a sight to behold, as you just seemed like a random girl next to him.

After the tour, you both sat in the lounging area. It was well... awkward. Both of you sat in silence. You both had only met last night, so of course it was pretty awkward. You opened your mouth to speak up, but was interrupted as one of the workers called out for Diluc. You sighed, at least the awkward tension wasn't around anymore.

You didn't pay attention to their conversation and simply spaced out. So when Diluc mentioned your name, you were startled and forced back into reality.

"I'm going to Mondstadt, and thought this would be the perfect chance for you to see Mondtadt. Would you care to join?" He asked you

You nodded without thinking. You wanted to see Mondstadt, the city of freedom, ruled by the Anemo Archon.

You both arrived at the gates of Mondstadt. You were excited. You wondered what would Mondstadt have could have in store for you to see.

A/N hey guys!
Sorry this chapter took a long time to come out, I have writers block. My mind is not imaginative/creative, and I also lack motivation not only in writing but in several of other things.
I hope this chapter satisfied you. When it comes to writing, I not so good at wording or using the right terms. But as soon as I talk to friends or just try to explain something in a simple way, my mind automatically speak/types as if I'm writing a email to my English teacher. *sigh*
A lot of words and sentences were replaced/cut for today's chapter because I simply think they wouldn't satisfy any of you. At least this is longer than last chapter hehe ;-;
I just hoped some of you enjoyed this chapter :')

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