Something's In The Woods

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The cool breeze tickled my arms as I walked farther along the path. Tall trees surrounded the path that seemed to go on forever. It was as if it was always night or at least that was how it seemed for me. I had been walking for five days the group I was in split up only to be found dead later. I was alone, limping from the pain in my leg. Something was in the woods something that had killed the other groups and mine. The reason I was the only one left. The reason I would never see the light of day ever again. I kept walking but I didn't know what I would find. I stopped to take a break and look around. Far off in the distance, I saw something. Something big but it wasn't a threat more like a building or a large landmark with no purpose. I got up and started heading toward it. Aware that it was off the path. As I got closer it came more into view. This wasn't a landmark it was a town. I look down at it. The eerie silence hurt my brain making it hard to think. I walked forward through the town, windows were broken houses that use to be nice, and homes to a richer family were now only home to wildlife. I gasped. There, in one of the houses was a hole. Not like the other holes, it was a large dark hole tall enough for something huge to fit through. That's when I notice the other homes they weren't homes they were on the huge manor, it had been one huge house in these woods. He hole where the front door was meant to be. I wanted to walk through walk in and see what lay before me. But what would happen to me. I could hardly walk let alone run. And in these woods? There was no way. Then the raws started. Loud raws rumbling the ground shaking the trees. "I want more!" the producer to the raws yelled. "And more you will get," came a softer less angry voice."These woods used to be full of everything I needed. Food, water, and more than anything I could ask for and now look at me. I thinner than that." They must have indicated or gestured to something because everything went silent."I will get you more." responded the softer voice. Then the footsteps started loud monstrous footsteps something was coming and I didn't want to know what. I could tell I didn't. This must have been the thing that killed everyone. The food wasn't food, it was them, my friends, innocent people. So I ran. And ran. Until I was safe traumatized but safe. Nothing would ever be the same.

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