Avengers: Endgame - Time Travel

Start from the beginning

"I can't get frostbite." Nikita tells her

"No, you can't feel if you get frostbite." Natasha says. "Come here." She says, grabbing Nikita's hands and putting the gloves on. As Natasha puts the gloves on Nikita, Nikita flashes back to all the times her brother used to do this for her. Upon finishing, Natasha notices Nikita's unblinking stare. "Are you okay?"

Nikita snaps out of it, pulling her attention back to the present. "Uh, yea." Nikita says, clearing her throat. "Let's do this."

The three start climbing again. After a few moments, they stop again for a break

"I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain." Natasha says

"Technically, he's not a raccoon, you know." Clint says

"Whatever." Natasha mumbles. "He eats garbage."

"Welcome." A ghostly voice says behind the trio. Natasha and Clint both whip around and draw their weapons whereas Nikita turns around and puts her fists up. The trio is ready to fight. "Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith. Nikita, daughter of Oleg." The dark ghostly figure says, coming towards the group

"Who are you?" Natasha asks

"Consider me a guide." The figure says. "To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone."

"Oh, good. You tell us where it is. Then we'll be on our way." Natasha says

"Ah, liebchen– If only it were that easy." The figure says, stepping into the light to reveal itself as Red Skull (the 2014 version of him). 2014 Red Skull leads the trio to the cliff. "What you seek lies in front of you... as does what you fear."

"The stone is down there." Natasha says

"For one of you. For the others... In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love." 2014 Red Skull says. "An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul."


Natasha is sitting, contemplating deep in thought. Nikita stands by the edge, looking over the cliff. Clint is watching 2014 Red Skull, walking around

"How's it going?" Clint asks 2014 Red Skull. "Jesus...Maybe he's making this shit up." He tells Natasha, walking over to her

"No. I don't think so." Natasha says

"Why, 'cause he knows your Daddy's name?" Clint asks

"I didn't." Natasha tells him. "Thanos left here with the stone without his daughter. It's not a coincidence."

"This is bullshit." Nikita says from her spot looking over the cliff. Natasha and Clint look over as Nikita turns to face them. "Why the hell were we not told about this? We were set up for failure."

"It's not failure." Natasha says, standing up. "We're getting that stone."

"But one of us isn't leaving here." Nikita says, tears pricking her eyes as her heart pounds loudly

"One of us isn't leaving here." Natasha emphasizes, gesturing between herself and Clint. Nikita stares at Natasha

"You will see your sister again." Clint promises Nikita and her eyes train on him

"I'm gonna be sick." Nikita whispers, turning away from the two and taking a few steps away from the edge

"Maybe you should head back down." Clint suggests. "Wait for us back down there."

"That's twisted." Nikita tells them. "I don't want to be waiting at the bottom for only one of you...I want us all to go home." Her whisper breaks with tears

Tripp Maximoff // Avengers //Where stories live. Discover now