Chapter 1

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I woke up to the blazing hot temperature on my skin and the blinding light shining from above me. I looked up while shadowing my eyes. The star was unusually bright. Stars were only so bright when planets or galaxies were about to end, but my planet already died so I assumed it wasn't my star, the Silo.

I looked around and realized that I was sitting on a bed of something grainy and bland-looking, a weird color that I did not recognize. It felt like the dirt from my homeland, but powdery, hot and dry. I looked around and the same could be said for endless miles. Was this the whole planet? It was large and miserable.

I sighed and got up, then I looked down at what I had. I was wearing my combat dress and my hidden weapons on my person. One scarf was hanging on my waist and covering my belt hidden with poisonous needles. I took it off and wrapped it around my face and head to shelter myself from the heat and began my walk.

I walked for hours while enduring my thirst and hunger. I remember when I had to go for a week without because I had been captured and tempted with food and wine. I remembered my storage, and I slapped my head. How could I even forget my storage?

I held out my hand, and a glowing disc glew above it. I stuck my arm through and pulled out a water skin. I drank a tiny sip and continued for a couple hours. I couldn't stop even if night fell, because I didn't know what monsters might lurk under this grainy biome.


I'd been walking for days on end and on day 8 did I find a village. I was skinny and dehydrated. I had been slowly drinking my water and hunting these big black bugs with big and poisonous tails to eat.

The buildings were made of the same things this whole biome was, but hardened. The building was impressive, but it seemed old.

 The building was impressive, but it seemed old

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There I found what seemed to be people. They looked strange, they were all covered in the colors of this biome, but a lighter color. They were all also either carrying or dragging weird machines with their pets. I thought a little bit how those bugs with the pointy tails that would arch over them, how nice would it be if they were bigger. I'd make one into my friend.

I approached a female, and I wondered for a bit if we spoke the same language. "Hello," I greeted. "May I ask for a bit of your time?"

The woman looked at me, squinted, then nodded. She kept that slight squint which I assumed was a smile since she wore a veil. "Of course," she replied. At least she spoke the language I knew.

"I have been lost for weeks in this area," I said. "If you could point me to any stores that sell food and water or a way out of this land?"

"Oh, my!" The woman gasped softly. "Come with me, then! I'll show you around."

I smiled slightly. I decided to be discreet as I still didn't know where I was. The woman dragged me away from the entrance of the village. "I'm Ellaria," I introduced myself. "Call me Elle."

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