his normal viewer count of 10,500 average, shot up to a whopping 43,833. "what the fuck" he mumbled through his hands "uh hello raiders! if you don't know me, i am saber, and i do not know what to say. uhhh i play minecraft! hopefully you guys like that- oh ranboos a minecraft streamer? cool cool"

on the other side of town, noah richardson, otherwise known as ranboo, sat back in his chair as he continued watching the boys stream. he couldn't help but get distracted by his voice. where had he heard that before? he thought to himself before it clicked.

he always asked to borrow a pencil from him in chemistry class two years ago. he scrambled to open a new tab and load up twitter. he quickly searched for his twitter and decided to send him a message. nothing bad can come from that right? not like he could completely embarrass himself if he's got the wrong person.

he pushed that thought behind him and just sent saber a message anyways. he typed it out and deleted it about ten different times, changing it every time he wrote it. once hed wrote it out in the least creepy way possible, he clicked send and leaned back in his chair. dear lord i hope i've got the right person.


hey, this might seem really weird,
but i recognise you, by any chance
do you go to midtown high?

god that sounds so creepy but you
are so familiar to me

and if you don't

just know you look like someone
from one of my classes 👍

okay bye now

oh god that is creepy

but yes i do

you're lucky i actually do go to
that school bcs if i didn't, you
wouldve just doxxed yourself


i never thought about that

thank god you do

what class is it that we have

chemistry and i believe gym

wait dude i don't even know
who you are

you're all faceless n shit

oh yeah

i'm noah


i sit behind you in chem :)

OH you always asked me for
a pencil like two years ago
nearly every time we had chem

oh yep yeah i did

and you're saber mayfield

you got rejected by zach
johnson right? like a year


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