Everybody's Pokemon and Age

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Shauntal 31: Cofagrigus, Gengar, Golurk, Chandelure, Froslass, Jelicent

Marshal 32: Sawk, Throh, Mienshao, Machamp, Conkeldurr, Lucario

Grimsley 35: Krookadile, Hydregon, Tyranitar, Scrafty, Bisharp, Liepard

Caitlin 36: Musharna, Reuniclus, Gothitelle, Gallade, Claydol, Espeon

Malva 26: Pyroar, Talonflame, Houndoom, Delphox, Magmortar, Tangrowth

Siebold 29: Clawitzer, Blastoise, Gorebyss, Barbaracle, Greninja, Huntail

Wikstrom 31: Aegislash, Scisor, Steelix, Probopass, Metagross, Klinklang

Drasna 64: Druddigon, Noivern, Altaria, Dragalge, Dragonite, Goodra

Gym Leaders:

Lt. Surge 55: Raichu, Jolteon, Magnezone, Manetric, Galvantula, Electivire

Erika 42: Venusaur, Meganium, Victribel, Vileplume, Bellosum, Breloom

Janine 35: Muk, Arbok, Weezing, Gengar, Crobat, Venomoth, Beedrill

Sabrina 55: Alakazam, Espeon, Slowbro, Slowking, Gardivoir, Solrock

Blaine 60: Rapidash, Magmortar, Magmar, Arcanine, Typhlosion, Blaziken

Falkner 35: Pidgeot, Fearow, Noctowl, Swellow, Staraptor, Sigilyph

Bugsy 35: Butterfree, Beedrill, Volbeat, Illumise, Ledian, Vivillon

Whitney 37: Miltank, Lopunny, Ursaring, Furret, Dunsparce, Porygon-Z

Morty 38: Gengar, Driftblim, Mismagius, Banette, Hitmontop, Golurk

Chuck 54: Hitmontop, Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Emboar, Sawk

Jasmine 40: Steelix, Scisor, Skarmory, Aggron, Bastiodon, Gastrodon

Pryce 70 (just explaining something here, because of the events that happened in Pokemon Special Crystal Chapter Pryce was allowed to return to his post as Gym Leader but he has to be constantly monitored and the Swinub is on his team because I do not believe that Pryce would evolve his swinub and the Mamoswine was the Poliswine he used against the fake Suicune): Mamoswine, Glalie, Frosslash, Abomasnow, Glaceon, Swinub

Clair 44: Dragonite, Kingdra, Dragonair, Gyarados, Druddigon (Shiny), Tyrantrum

Roxanne 20: Barbaracle, Aerodactyl, Gigalith, Armaldo, Cradilly, Probopass

Brawly 45: Hariyama, Pangoro, Machamp, Conkeldurr, Throh, Hitmonlee

Wattson 60: Manetric, Magnezone, Electivire, Electabuzz, Ampharos, Heliolisk

Flannery 40: Torkoal, Camerupt, Ninetales, Heatmor, Magmar, Magmortar

Norman 60: Slaking, Vigoroth, Blissey, Kecleon, Linoone, Pyroar

Winona 45: Altaria, Swellow, Pelipper, Masquerain, Mandibuzz, Braviary

Tate 40: Starmie, Mr. Mime, Jynx, Reuniclus, Gallade, Solrock

Liza 40: Slowbro, Mr. Mime, Delphox, Gothitelle, Gardivoir, Lunatone

Juan 50: Carracosta, Milotic, Gyarados, Gorebyss, Luvdisc, Huntail

Roark 30: Rampardos, Rhyperior, Rhydon, Onix, Rhyhorn, Relicanth

Gardenia 33: Torterra, Tropius, Roserade, Wormadam, Cherrim, Sudowoodo

Malene 35: Lucario, Machamp, Sawk, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Hawluncha

Crasher Wake 47: Empoleon, Gyarados, Mantine, Lumineon, Ludicolo, Feraligatr

Fantina 53: Gengar, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Driftblim, Banette, Chimecho

Byron 56: Rampardos, Bastiodon, Escavalier, Steelix, Klinklang, Bronzong

Candice 27: Rotom (Fridge), Froslash, Mamoswine, Glaceon, Abomasnow, Glalie

Volkner 37: Luxray, Electivire, Raichu, Magnezone, Electross, Galvanchula

Chili 19: Simisear, Stoutland, Archeops, Darmanitan, Emboar, Torkoal

Cress 19: Simipour, Stoutland, Aurorus, Jelicent, Samurott, Wailord

Lenora 40: Watchhog, Ursaring, Furfrou, Cincinno, Porygon-2, Audino

Cheren 24: Stoutland, Slaking, Lopunny, Porygon-Z, Serperior, Sawsbuck

Roxie 28: Garbodor, Muk, Crobat, Weezing, Ammongus, Arbok

Burgh 29: Leavanny,Scolipede, Accelgor, Escavalier, Dustox, Mothim

Elesa 31: Emolga, Zabstrika, Jolteon, Manetric, Rotom, Galvanchula

Clay 41: Krookadile, Excadrill, Palpitoad, Diggersby, Golurk, Rhyperior

Skyla 39: Swanna, Unfeazant, Mandibuzz, Braviary, Talonflame, Yanmega

Brycen 42: Beartic, Cryogonal, Vaniluxe, Weavile, Greninja, Ninjask

Marlon 38: Carracosta, Alomomola, Jelicent, Seismitoad, Rotom (Washing Machine), Mantine

Drayden 49: Haxourus (shiny), Haxourus, Druddigon, Hydregon, Garchomp, Salemence

Viola 25: Vivillon, Masquerain, Yanmega, Vespiquen, Kricketune, Scisor

Grant 25: Tyrantrum, Aurorus, Aerodactyl, Aggron, Tyranitar, Crustle

Korrina 19: Lucario, Hawluncha, Machamp, Throh, Hitmonchan, Mienshao

Ramos 69: Gogoat, Chesnaught, Vitribel, Trevenant, Gorgeist, Ferrothorn

Valerie 34: Florges, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Wigglytuff, Clefable, Gardevoir

Olympia 52: Meowstic (Male), Meowstic (Female), Alakazam, Gallade, Slowbro, Slowking

Wulfric 61: Abomasnow, Avalugg, Weavile, Cloyster, Jynx, Sneasel

The Four Horsemen of Team Rocket:

Victoria 58: Zoroark, Bisharp, Salemence, Sceptile, Ninjask, Banette, Persian, Starmie, Darkrai

Hudson 19: Exploud, Gliscor, Aegislash, Metagross, Lickilicky, Pidgeot

Emily 18: Nidoqueen, Audino, Primeape, Tyranitar, Togekiss, Altaria

Joel 20: Hydregon, Tangrowth, Ursaring, Aerodactyl, Goodra, Beartic

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