Hot Girls Stuff💅🏽

221 11 5

Nikki: omgomgomg I cant believe my eyes!!!

Liv: you saw brie naked 😂

Naomi: liv why did you even say that ugh 🙄

Renee: Liv is high btw

Liv: no I not booboo bear

Rhea: babe time to go sleep

Liv: nooooooooooo

Rhea: yessssssss

Ronda: anyways what was your news nikki?

Nikki: I saw Sasha giving Bianca a lap dance

Becky: there's no way sasha would do that

● Nikki sent a video to the chat ●

Paige: damn I wish someone could give me a lap dance 😥

Nikki: Aj just gave you one so stop being needy!

Nia: Damn okay this is some hot lesbian girl shit going on here

Charlotte: the two are in the chat right?

Naomi: yeah I think so

Charlotte: Banks answer your phone

Renee: I doubt she'll even listen to you

Sasha: yes Charlotte

Paige: Charlotte is a wizard

Becky: no she's a goddess period

Rhea: Sasha are you and Bianca dating?

Sasha: no we're fucking buddies

Ronda: TMI

Sasha: dont 'tmi' me. You guys wanted to know

Bianca: you tell em'

Nia: Yasss! We STAN you rooting for your girl

Bianca: we aren't dating!

Liv: whatever you say slut

Sasha: woah hey!

Becky: Rhea get your girl

Rhea: on it!

Liv: diebfisheifosk

Liv: is3bidnetifueociirrcoendvtx9d

Liv: si3niciendievivjksjtvieltigk ik rieitoe

Liv: ksnecidiendjficifkekwictteri

Liv: wine icij endieiric

Nikki: Rhea it's not that hard to tame a stony liv

Rhea: well she's a biter!

Charlotte: lmao

Paige: good luck with that rhea

Bianca: nah me and sash are dating

Ronda: and I ship!

Naomi: same!

Liv: let's see how long it'll last

Sasha: liv go to bed or I'll make you

Liv: okokok I going sleep now!!!

A/N: Its late here, I'm going to bed. Thank you Kakapotin for this idea! Remember to vote and request any ideas!!! Gn! 😴💕

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