Big Brown Eyes

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The irony wasn't lost on the other southern states.

"It's pretty funny ain't it?" Oklahoma said with a smirk leaning forward in his chair.

"What is?" Texas asked not looking up from his cup.

"You of all states." Tennessee added. Texas finally looked up at the other southern states annoyed.

"Will you tell me what y'all are yapping about?" Texas demanded.

"The fed." South Caroline said with a laugh, jumping back as Texas slammed his hands against the table.

"And what about him?" Texas hissed.

"We just think it's ironic!" Oklahoma said with a laugh. "You of all states fell in love with a fed."

"Yeah and what about it?" Texas demanded this close to punching Oklahoma.

"What happened to 'Texas doesn't need the federal government?'" Georgia mocked.

"Were you really brought down by a pair of big doe eyes and a smile?" South Carolina asked. Texas growled a little and stood up.

"You watch your mouth." Texas hissed.

"Ooh what is your boyfriend gonna bail you out?" Oklahoma mocked.

"Oh wait he doesn't take bailouts!" North Carolina said with a laugh.

"He sure likes DC's d--" Oklahoma couldn't finish his sentence because Texas landed his punch, starting an all-out brawl in the living room.

"SWEET! Chaos!" Florida cheered dashing out of Louisiana's bedroom with Louisiana following. The southern states struggled to separate Texas and Louisiana as more states joined Louisiana and Florida watching the brawl. Finally Alaska and North Dakota managed to get a hold of Oklahoma and Texas, separating them.

"YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT YOU HYPOCRITE." Oklahoma screamed.

"YOU KEEP HIS NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!" Texas yelled. North Dakota dragged Oklahoma away to the kitchen to defuse him as Alaska let Texas go.

"Aww it's over?" Florida whined as the states approached Texas.

"The hell was that?" California yelled helping his boyfriend up.

"Apparently I'm a hypocrite because I'm dating a FED." Texas yelled.

"Sha you need to stop listening to him." Louisiana pointed out ruffling Texas's hair. Texas whacked Louisiana's hand away and picked up his hat.

"I'm going to my room, leave me alone." Texas ordered storming off. The four states watched him with a mix of confusion and worry on their faces.

"Ooh can we get Maryland and Delaware to fight next?" Florida asked as all his boyfriends groaned.

Texas sat on the counter tops of the kitchen later that night, softly strumming his guitar and deep in thought. He had been so mad after the fight that he didn't leave his room for the rest of the day; he didn't even leave when DC came home after another stressful day in Washington. As far as he was aware, Texas thought, glancing at the two dishes waiting on the stove, DC had gone into his room or the other's rooms to sleep, and hadn't emerged since.

The southern state sighed and strummed his guitar in frustration, leaning back and looking up at the ceiling. He jumped slightly when he felt someone rest their head against his shoulder, but broke out into a soft smile when he saw it was a sleepy DC.

"You scared me there, sugar." Texas whispered, wrapping DC's arms around his torso.

"Mmm you woke me up." DC whispered, the smile never leaving his face.

"How was Washington?" Texas asked.

"Boring." DC mumbled leaning his head into Texas's shoulder. "Care more about you right now.

"You should eat and go back to bed, sugar. You had a long day." Texas pointed out. DC hummed and tilted his head up, looking at him with sleepy eyes.

"Can you play me something first?" DC mumbled. Texas smiled and adjusted the guitar in his hands, strumming a few chords.

"Alright sugar, a bit, and then you got to go to bed." Texas whispered, kissing DC's cheek. DC giggled as Texas started strumming an actual melody, burying his face in Texas's shoulder again.

Big brown eyes and a gust of wind

And the cherry burns the corner of the page that says

"The end is coming soon", but not soon enough

Restring all your guitars, pack up all your stuff

'Cause if Robert's dad is right

We might not make it through the night

And I'd hate to go alone

Please pick up the phone

Texas turned and looked at DC who was fast falling asleep on his shoulder with a happy grin on his face. He loved this boy so much, his nervous smile, unshaven face, the way he worried about others before he worried about himself. If he had to be a fed, so be it, Texas was in deep.

If that phone don't ring one more time

I'm gonna lose what's left of my mind

You made a big impression for a girl of your size

Now I can't get by without you and your big brown eyes

"Like mine?" DC asked, half-opening his eyes to reveal the doe eyed brown orbs Texas loved so much. Texas leaned down and kissed DC softly and sweetly, letting his guitar fall to the floor gently.

"Always." Texas whispered. DC grinned then yawned making Texas chuckle.

"C'mon, let's get you to bed. Wanna sleep with me tonight?" Texas asked. DC nodded and Texas jumped up, looping an arm around DC's shoulders and leading him to his bedroom.

Let Oklahoma say what he wants, Texas knew he made the right choice.

The next morning the four other boyfriends found Texas and DC fast asleep together in Texas's room, tangled up in sheets and each other.

"Awww they fit like two lego pieces." Florida said having serious heart eyes.

"I thought it was his turn with California." New York asked.

"Eh, we can give up the schedule for one day." California said with a shrug. Louisiana elected himself to go over to the bed and gently shake Texas, waking him up.

"Sha breakfast, and I know for a fact neither of you ate your dinner." Louisiana scolded.

"Yeah, yeah." Texas ordered waving Louisiana off. "We'll be out in a minute." Louisiana nodded and the floor left the room, leaving Texas and DC alone. Texas looked down at the sleeping man beside him, face slightly overgrown and hair sticking up all over the place, still snoring away as he pressed his face in his chest. The sunlight made his dark brown sparkle and for once, just for a fleeting moment, he was calm.

Texas kissed the top of DC's head and brought him in closer, not wanting to wake him to join the chaos yet.

They could hold on for a few more minutes. 

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