Chapter 2 First Day torture part 1

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Pic of Sebastian

Chapter 2

First Day torture part 1

-Cole’s POV-

“Cole! Cole! COLEY! COME ON GET UP FOR SCHOOL BEFORE I GET THE BUCKET OF WATER OUT!” Katelyn screamed in my ear as she jumped up and down on my poor body. I blame my mother for what she taught us about waking up… ‘If they don’t get up out of bed then use the water trick or almost kill them well they're sleeping!’ she said that almost every day too! Yeah so today is Monday, and we came here on Saturday. Mom decided that education was more important than getting use to the town, so we're stuck going to school today because my mother is a teacher. Trust me when I say it took us forever to get unpacked yesterday and from my concern I'm still not 'unpacked'.

I started to get out of bed as Katelyn jumped off my bed and raced out of the room giggling her small little head off. She loved her job to wake me up in the morning, and that's why she looks forward to getting up in the morning so much. Even if I slept over at a friend's house she would always refuse to get up out of her bed until I get home.

I walked over to the night stand looking for my glasses... really I can see with the stupid little things... then I found them, my beautifully amazing glass that just love me more than anything. I slipped them on my nose quickly and ran out of my room to go get me some food.

"Katelyn did you tell your brother to get up?" Dad's voice came from the kitchen along with an amazing delicious smell. Yet it’s way too early to get up! I really just want to go crawl back into my warm bed... damn you mom! Why can't I just stay home for at least a week before you send me to school! Plus your not even here so how do you know if I skip?

I walk into the kitchen. Katelyn looked up at me with one of her childish smiles. I smiled back to her with a bigger grin across my face.

"Cole! Cole! Look what dad is cooking for breakfast! Doesn't it look really good?!" Katelyn was giggling as she jumped into my arms with a big grin across her little face. I turned to see pancakes being cooked on the griddle, fried eggs on the stove with bacon, and lastly to complete this breakfast was toast in the toaster. Damn, it does look good... I want to eat food so badly...

"Morning Cole! Can you go get your sister and you dressed for school? I promise that breakfast will be ready by then!" I only nodded and pulled Katelyn in my arms like she was a three-year old again. She was smiling as we marched up the stairs into her room. I put her down on her bed.

"So princess what do you want to wear today for your first day of school? Or do I have to pick it out?" She shook her head with an annoying look across her face.

"Like you could dress as fabulous as me! I would beat you at a fashion contest any day," she grinned as crossing her arms over her chest. She jumped off her bed and walked over to her night stand. She pulled out a dark pink shirt that said 'I'm awesome! Just deal with it boys!' and a pair of black jeans. "Hey! A girl is changing in here so get your butt out before I scream stalker!"

"Okay princess... Now I have to go pick an outfit that beat yours!" I yelled as I ran out of the room, and went to mine room. I grabbed a dark green long sleeved button up shirt and a pair of dark black jeans out of the night stand. I stripped down to my gray boxers, got dressed, and put a pair of sneakers on. I walked out of the room to see Katelyn standing there in the hallway with a little smirk across her little face as she Examine what I was wearing.

"Oh I so won this!" She said clapping her hands together.

"Oh no you didn't! I look so much more amazing than that little outfit!" I sassed back as I snapped my fingers together. She started to giggle as we both raced down the stairs into the kitchen. Dad had three plates set at the table with a big grin across his face. He turned too looked at Katelyn and me as he said...

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