Chapter 20 - Christian

Start from the beginning

After the emotions of the day, all I wanted was a long bath, maybe with Anastasia, some dinner, then bed. It was Mrs. Jones' day off, so maybe Ana would cook dinner? I loved anything she made, mostly because she made it for me. It was a caring gesture that meant a lot. Not finding her in the great room, I checked the library before walking down the hallway to her bedroom. Now we'd made love, I hoped she might join me in my bedroom at night. I wanted her to know that there was no expectation—she had a home here and a bedroom of her own for as long as she wanted—but I would also let her know she was welcome to join me in my room at any time if she wished. I was already thinking of how to word my suggestion when I arrived at Ana's door. It was ajar, so I knocked, then entered.

When I came in, Ana was folding clothing. I thought she must be putting away her washing until I realized Gail usually did that. When I looked more closely, I noticed it was her old clothing. The stuff Sawyer had brought from her unit. Folding each piece carefully, she was putting them into plastic bags.

"Are you donating those?" I asked, wondering why Ana only had those clothes out.

"No. I'm packing."

"Packing?" I wasn't sure what she meant. Why would she be packing!? Last night we'd finally come together as a couple, and now she wanted to go somewhere else?

"I'm packing to leave." Her voice low and guarded. There was no mistaking Anastasia was angry. Furious if her face was anything to go by.

"Leave? Why would you want to leave? Taylor says we need even more security now we know who your stalker is! He's upping security on all the family until the guy is arrested. You can't leave—you won't be safe. And where would you go?"

"Anywhere that's not here," she spat out at me, brushing past me and moving into the walk-in closet and getting her one small suitcase. Coming back out into the bedroom, she started collecting her books, loading them in. It was obvious they wouldn't all fit, plus there'd be no room for the jewelry box her father had made her. Realizing this at the same time I did, she started culling the books one by one, choosing those she'd take and what she'd have to leave. Not that she'd be leaving. I'd get Taylor to lock the elevator and the fire-escapes if that's what it took. No. Anastasia Rose Steele would not escape me that easily.

"Can you tell me what's wrong? Why do you want to leave, Anastasia?" I asked, keeping my voice calm.

She didn't reply, just shot me a filthy look.

"Please, baby? If I've done something wrong, I can't fix it if I don't know." I actually suspected that after hearing the retelling of my past to my parents, she'd decided it was all too much—that I wasn't worth all the shit from my past. But that didn't explain the anger.

"You've done nothing wrong," she said in a tone of voice that suggested the opposite was true. "But you're right—cunnilingus the first time we had sex might have been a bit much!"

I gaped at her for a moment. I did not know what she was talking about, and then it all fell into place. She must have seen the copious notes I'd made from the books Flynn suggested.

Recognizing the understanding in my face, she continued bitterly, "Here was me thinking last night was special. Us sharing a beautiful experience together. Instead, I discover it was all a lie, planned out and detailed from start to end. How long have you been working on it? From the first day we met?! I was a virgin, Christian! I know you've fucked more women than I've had hot dinners, but I was saving myself for someone special. Someone I cared about, and thought was worthy!"

Sitting on the bed, Ana covered her face with her hands as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"No! Baby, no... It wasn't like that! Last night was the best night of my life. Making love to you was special. More special than anything I've ever experienced. You make me feel things I've never felt before. Things I didn't know I was capable of feeling. And trust me, last night wasn't planned out! Fuck—I had to text Taylor to get condoms because it hadn't occurred to me to bring any."

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